It’s heeeeeeeeeeeeeere! Popsicle Week 2015, aka The One Where I Eat Allllllll the Peanut Butter. I hope your party pants are clean.
If you guys have been here for a while, you might recall that Popsicle Week is an annual thing thanks in no small part to Billy over at Wit & Vinegar and his most excellent hosting skills. (Seriously, doing these group post thingies is kind of a tricky bia, so THANK YOU, BILLY. Managing a zillion hyperlinks is fersure a herding cats situation.) You can — and mosdefshould — visit Billy’s official PW page to check out the 65+ bloggers who are participating in this year’s event. You can even scroll a little further down the page to see who all made what in the 2013/2014 Popsicle Week editions. (‘Member when I made these Vegan Mexican Mocha Fudge Pops and these Strawberry Basil Ice Pops? Yep, they’re up there, too!)
True to classic PB+J form, this year’s pops are sticky and messy and sweet and salty and will have you scraping the bowl and licking your fingers and thanking sweet jesus that some ancient boob decided jammy fruit and smooth, blitzed peanuts should pals around together on the regs.
And while I’ll admit that they’re not the prettiest pops on the block — the high fat content of the PB + coconut cream means that they go from frozen solid to kinda smeary rather quickly — flavorwise, they’re pretty dang on point. Thick ribbons of salted, honey-kissed peanut butter entwined with fresh blackberries and brown sugar. Who doesn’t want to get their face around that?! (If you’re reading this and thinking “me!” you can just stop reading right now. Unless you have a peanut allergy. Then you can keep reading and also I’m so sorry sadfacessss.)
I love that, like most pops worth the aaaahgony of that god. awful. freeze time, these guys keep things suuuuper simple on the front end. In fact, you’ll easily have them in the molds (pssst, I used this one) and ready to chill in no more than 15 mins time. Pinky schwear.
Know what else?
Know what else else?
If you’re finding yourself feeling super lazy/sans pop mold, you can even ditch the idea of popsicles altogether and enjoy your PB+J concoction as ICE CREAM. No kidding, you guys. Just take a peek at the recipe notes for the how-to. (Spoiler alert: pour into bowl. Freeze. Eat.) Maybe even crumble some graham crackers into your pop molds or over your ice cream for an even more sammichy experience.
Happy Popsicle Week, palsies!
- For the PB:
- 1 (14 oz) can coconut cream
- heaping ½ cup peanut butter
- ¼ cup honey
- ⅛ tsp salt
- For the J:
- 12 oz (two small containers) fresh blackberries
- ¼ cup + 2 T packed brown sugar
- Add berries and brown sugar to a small saucepan. Simmer over med-high heat until sugar is dissolved and about half the berries have burst, about 10 mins, stirring occasionally. Lightly mash remaining berries until there are no large chunks. (I actually like the texture of a few smaller chunks, and seeds are a-ok with me!). Allow to cool slightly.
- Meanwhile, open coconut cream and drain off liquid. (If you're using true coconut cream, there will only be a very small amount at the bottom. Make it easy on yourself by opening the can from the bottom and just pouring out the liquid. Nice!)
- Add coconut cream, peanut butter, honey and salt to a blender and blend until very smooth.
- Pour peanut butter and berry mixtures into popsicle mold of your choice, alternating layers. Using a straw or skewer, lightly stir to marble pops. Insert sticks.
- Freeze at least 8 hours or overnight. To release pops, quickly run popsicle mold under or dip into warm water. (Pops might smear a little upon removal - no worries, they still taste great!) Enjoy!
No-Churn "Ice Cream" Modification: Not feeling popsicles? Simply pour the peanut butter and blackberry mixtures into a freezer safe container, swirling the two together to create a marble effect. Freeze until solid; then allow to sit at room temperature for ~30 mins before serving for a more scoopable treat. Top with crushed graham crackers for bonus points. Yay!

OH! before you go…
Like whatcha see here — or have a question, feedback, or recipe hack to share? Join The Pig & Quill convo by commenting below (I love, luv, lurve comments) and hang out with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. And don’t forget to subscribe to P&Q emails or add me to your RSS reader with Feedly or Bloglovin’ so you never miss a post. x’s & o’s!
33 Comments on “vegan pb + j popsicles // #popsicleweek!”
YUM! I’m trying the ice cream version. This looks so delish! LOVE that you used blackberries instead of reg’lar jam!
Dooooooo it. I’m eating a bowl for dessert as we speak. And I maybe had another one for lunch. And linner. And if the kiddo wakes up in the night, I might be able to console myself with an eensy serving then, too. I meeaaaaaan, fruit + nuts. It’s like basically trail mix, right?
These look and sound amazing! I can never get enough pb&j.
I just stumbled on that coconut cream at TJ’s, too! I also used it in my #popsicleweek recipe. 😉
It’s the best, right Ileana? I think it’s kinda goofy that it’s hard to find elsewhere, but it’s seriously the most awesome ingredient if you’re planning to make anything extra creamy but dairy free. Or coconut whip! It’s the best bang for your buck, and there’s hardly anything to drain off! Can’t wait to “pop” on over to see what you’ve got going on for PW!
Aw hell yeah!! I love these and think I need to add them to my list of 234989 popsicles to make 🙂
No shit. My popsicle wish list is gettin’ outta hand! Too many tasty treats!
Oh yes, I can totally get down with these creamy dreamy flavors!
🙂 🙂 🙂
These. Sound. Like. HEAVEN. OMG Em. Completely uhhhhmazing. I want them immediately! My pops (coming Thu) are also kind of breakfasty and now I want to make these and throw ’em into the morning rotation. Love all those swirly PB&J shots, too. Gorgeous.
Kinda breakfasty!? Now you have me curious – bacon n’ egg pops? Poptart pops? Cereal milk pops? Acai “bowl” pops? Hmmm, I might have to get back in the kitchen and put summa those ideas to the test! Can’t wait to see whatcha got for us on Thurs! <3
Yay yay! These popsicles are so my jam (he he he). I’m loving popsicle week and have been pinning like 80 bazillion popsicles the last two days. No complaints.
PIN ALL THE POPSICLES. I feel like that could be my day job, so no complaints from this side either!
Guuuurrl….I had a set of crappy plastic popsicle molds that I threw out last fall in frustration and now you’re making me wish I hadn’t. I may need to run out to a kitchen store ASAP to replace them. There having been so many friggin beautiful popsicle recipes floating around the webosphere lately that it’s getting hard to resist!
SO many awesome recipes, right? This popsicle week thing of Billy’s has certainly taken off! And if you don’t have pop molds, you can always go the dixie cup route (a la nursery school pudding pops) in a pinch!
Emmmmmmmmm you done did it with these. They are a mixture of everything perfect and right with the world! Lots of clapping emojis.
Right back atcha, girl! Those agua fresca pops, though. Be still my heart! <3
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EM. These are amazing. I want the ENTIRE tray. Yes yes yes to PBJ popsicles!!!
They’re all yours, Cynthia! Gotta love that marriage of PB+J. Speaking of marriage: your nuptials! They happened! And, you were THE GORGEOUSESSSSSST!!! I literally squealed at the pictures. (Even startled Lana a bit, whoooops!) Popsicle cheers to you and B2. xo! <3
I’m drooling all over the keyboard for these melt PB&J pops! You think they’ll make the trip on Tuesday?? 😉
If they could, I’d do my best! We’ll just have to indulge in something equally satisfying wherever we end up (bonus points if it’s on a stick!)!
Em, I am so into these!!! I am glad we connected via popsicle week, but I am definitely going to stalk your whole blog now 😛
Stalk away, friend — and I’ll do the same. 😉
With the summer scorchin’ away here in Europe, this is a must. Thanks for sharing and making me crave these ‘sicles!
But of course, Fernando! Sounds like the heat wave has been hitting us all pretty hard!
These are so perfect! Not only because they are pb&j but because the jam is from blackberries! That’s the best j to pb&j in my opinion 🙂 They look so delicious!
Totally agree, Julia! I love blackberry jam. I’m even kind of into the seeds. Is it weird that I find it a little entertaining to try to get them out of my teeth later, even though it almost always results in my tongue hurting the next day? Probably yes, so that’s all I’ll say about that… Heh.
Pingback: Foodie Favorites - July 22, 2015 - My Bacon-Wrapped Life
These look so frickin’ good!!!! Dairy free too… it’s like you basically made them for me, and how kind of you to do so… gorgeous! xo
But of course, Alison! Any ol’ time. 🙂
Those look amazing! Love that they are vegan–with all that rich coconut milk they must be good 😀
I’ll admit — the coconut cream + the PB puts them a little over the top, but isn’t that what summer is all about? (Indulging, that is.) Thanks, June!
Pingback: no-bake vegan mini pb+j cheesecakes | the pig & quill