Hold on to yer hats, everybody. I’ve been baking again. And somehow I always choose to do so on days when it’s sweatstache weather. Or maybe it’s just always going to be sweatstache weather from here on out. Is this just how we’re going to roll for, like, always? Seriously, I feel like how The Rock looks in pretty much every F&F franchise movie (or, more accurately, every movie ever). That is: dripping with perspiration to the point where you just assume there’s a tiny person off camera whose entire job consists of soaking him down with a tiny mister … Read More
vegan pb + j popsicles // #popsicleweek!

It’s heeeeeeeeeeeeeere! Popsicle Week 2015, aka The One Where I Eat Allllllll the Peanut Butter. I hope your party pants are clean. If you guys have been here for a while, you might recall that Popsicle Week is an annual thing thanks in no small part to Billy over at Wit & Vinegar and his most excellent hosting skills. (Seriously, doing these group post thingies is kind of a tricky bia, so THANK YOU, BILLY. Managing a zillion hyperlinks is fersure a herding cats situation.) You can — and mosdefshould — visit Billy’s official PW page to check out the 65+ bloggers … Read More
Veggie Joe Sliders (totally vegan-able!)

It’s been a while. I don’t even know where to begin. Should we start with the whole I’ve been sick excuse? I already pulled that one a few months back? Oh. Damn. How about these holidays be craycray? More relevant? Phew. Now we can get onto the good stuff. Have you guys finished your Christmas shopping? Have you baked, like, a smack-ton of cookies all stacked pretty-like in cellophane bags and tied up with variegated twine? Have you totally out-Elf-Shelf’d the crap out of your neighbors yet? (I swear, about 93% of any enthusiasm I have for being a parent … Read More
Cheesy Sweet Potato Waffles w/ Sour Cream & Maple

There are weeks where you feel like you just suck at life. And I’m having one. In a big, fat, cure-me-with-carbs kinda way. So let’s talk waffles. I like waffles. They taste good. They make my insides feel good. And the they’re a guilty pleasure for my OCD side. I maybe eat my waffles along the gridlines. WHAT. I’m not going to insist that these waffles are life changing, but I will tell you that the more I use the word waffles in this post, the better I feel. Try it for yourself. I mean, you don’t have to type … Read More
Roasted Miso-Glazed Pumpkin (vegan & gluten-free)

A few weeks ago, I tempted fate and went shopping at Costco without a grocery list. I’d say I live for cheap thrills — except flat after flat of $9 organic produce adds up reeaaal frickin’ fast. So along with my usual haul of Greek yogurt, bananas and Dave’s Killer Bread (side note: have you guys heard he’s off the wagon? Seriously so sad…) — I picked up two little tubs of organic white miso. Let the ahhhglazing begin. Troof be told, to-date my only experience with miso at home has been with those guilty little packets of instant miso … Read More
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