
Get in touch and let's make things happen!

One of the (many!) joys of blogging is the transparency of conversation. Meeting you guys, having a lit’oh chat, that’s the good stuff. SO, if you have have a question or feedback on a recipe or post, slap that bad boy in the Comments section. (There’s a good chance if I goofed up an ingredient, it’s probably mucking things up for other peeps, too.)

Otherwise, if you just wanna say herro or share some snark or teach me how to make it look like I know what I’m doing with my hair, like, ever, shoot me a note at thepigandquill(at)


Look forward to chatting soon!

P.S. I have some FAQs on my About page! You know, in case your Q might be…FA.
P.P.S. Looking to link to some P&Q content or curious about my policy on working with brands? Click here for a few more details. Thanks!

Photo by Cristin More Photography.

14 Comments on “Contact”

  1. Hello! We were recently in Puerto Vallarta and met your parents at the Marriott! They told us about your blog and I have enjoyed it. Would it be possible to get your father’s email address as we live in SF and would love to meet up with them sometime when they are in the city? Thanks so much, and I will friend you on FB as well.

    Greg and Kevin

    1. Hi Greg! I’ve sent you an email with the contact info for John. Glad you were able to run into them in Puerta Vallarta! We’ve got PV on our travel list for sometime in the (hopefully) near future based on John and Rosalinda’s endorsement. Thanks for reading!

  2. Greetings from your distant cousin in Chico. Hello 🙂 I saw your Mom at the Fong Fam. reunion in Sacramento back in November, she said I should check out your awesome blog, which by the way is way rad, we have similar interests and I look forward to visiting your page. Take care, Jennifer

    1. Jen! So good to hear from you. I thought I had replied to this comment weeks ago and am only now realizing it was lost in cyber space. Sorry! Shoot me an email – I’d love to connect. 🙂

    1. Thanks Morgan! What a sweet comment. I just paid a visit to your little spot and loved looking around! I’ll def be back. 🙂 Happy holidays to you and yours!

  3. Hi Em! I just had a 9 course Chinese dinner with your Mom last night. Christi and I missed you! One day we will have to reunite! I’m plugging your website to my friends. I love to eat but don’t like to cook. I wish I could taste everything you make! The best to you and your family in 2015!

  4. Hi there, I love the look of this recipe and wondering if you might suggest a substitution for the 3oz dried ancho chile?

    I live in Adelaide, Australia 🙂

  5. I, too, am a survivor – almost 20 yrs! So much of what you wrote echos my sentiments. I feel “reborn” after every mammogram! My husband is also a survivor of renal cancer! It definitely changes your outlook on life!
    Seriously, if it’s up to women, cancer will be cured. We can get ‘anything’ solved!
    Thanks for a great website!…love your recipes!!!
    PS-the disease has made me “proactive” re: medicine & doctors!!! Went for a second opinion, and that’s why I didn’t need a mastectomy @ stage 0.
    PS-feel free to contact me on my email.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, Carole. I’m so glad you sought a second opinion and that their recommendation suited you. And what a strong duo the two of you must make! Big hugs! <3

  6. Reading your blog on chemo really has helped me. I am in the middle of the same treatment and had almost the exact side effects. Your description was spot on. And I also felt that the nurses and doctors downplayed the side effects. It is so hard. Thank you for share your story. Lisa

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