Last week, Chris took the car-with-the-carseat to the shop for routine maintenance. Sans vehicle, Lana and I were determined to make the most of our new neighborhood, which is close to all that this little seaside town offers: coffee shops galore, our favorite lunch spot (the hen of the woods sandwich, my worddd), the library, playgrounds big and small, the bourgeois grocery store, the decidedly un-bourgeois grocery store — and my personal fave: THE BEACH. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how this day went. It was, let’s say, challenging. Remember when I published that lovely post last … Read More
curried cantaloupe + toasted coconut ice pops
Oh haaaaaay there. Did you miss me? I took last week off to try my hand at being a Professional Boob Sweat Wiper Offer. And guess what? I nailed it. I’d go into detail, but I have a feeling you’ve already got a pretty rockin’ image going on. Plus, my fellow California gals Lily and Gina waxed far more poetic about the recent heat wave than I could ever hope, so I’ll encourage you to head in their direction(s) if you’ve not already. Bottom line: shit’s been hot. This week, however, we’ve seen a slight respite. As in, Lana even … Read More
vegan pb + j popsicles // #popsicleweek!
It’s heeeeeeeeeeeeeere! Popsicle Week 2015, aka The One Where I Eat Allllllll the Peanut Butter. I hope your party pants are clean. If you guys have been here for a while, you might recall that Popsicle Week is an annual thing thanks in no small part to Billy over at Wit & Vinegar and his most excellent hosting skills. (Seriously, doing these group post thingies is kind of a tricky bia, so THANK YOU, BILLY. Managing a zillion hyperlinks is fersure a herding cats situation.) You can — and mosdefshould — visit Billy’s official PW page to check out the 65+ bloggers … Read More
Chile-Lime Watermelon Paletas (vegan + paleoish/gf)
A couple weekends ago, Chris and I were holed up in a Truckee hotel for a night during one of his mountain bike races. He was in the bathroom tending to one of his “it’s cool, I think a butterfly bandage should hold it together” injuries (ew) while I distracted myself with Food Network in the bedroom. Because that’s what married people do in swanky euro-mod hotel rooms. First aid and cable. Anyway. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives was on, of course (is it not always?), and exclamations like BANGARANG and BOOYAH and TAKE ME TO FLAVORTOWN were shooting out of … Read More
Mexican Mocha Fudge Pops (vegan) — for Popsicle Week!
In case you’ve been snoozing under a rocksicle, it’s Popsicle Week all over the interwebs, and things are getting frenzied. Nicole made a popsicle that tastes like FREAKING THAI PEANUT SAUCE, for crying out loud. I think she might have just secured her spot as my new bff, which I’m almost certain was her intent when she was like, I’m gonna make me an ice pop that’ll taste real good with some cilan-lan on top. Ok, the cilan-lan was me. But I’d like her even more if she said it. (Do it, Nicole. It’s a fun time.) Should we talk … Read More