In case you’ve been snoozing under a rocksicle, it’s Popsicle Week all over the interwebs, and things are getting frenzied. Nicole made a popsicle that tastes like FREAKING THAI PEANUT SAUCE, for crying out loud. I think she might have just secured her spot as my new bff, which I’m almost certain was her intent when she was like, I’m gonna make me an ice pop that’ll taste real good with some cilan-lan on top.
Ok, the cilan-lan was me. But I’d like her even more if she said it. (Do it, Nicole. It’s a fun time.)
Should we talk about Amber? She shoved cookies all up in her lemony shiggies, and it’s blowing my mind. She says it’s akin to chomping on a frozen lemon bar. I mean, I guess that’s cool if you like stupid rad hybrid desserts and stuff. No big deal.
Tracy went the yogurt route. Seriously so pretty.
Ileana SMOKED — uh, yeah, sah-moked — up some peaches then got all chicka-chicka-boom-boom, will there be enough room for cream? You better believe it.
Erika milked, like, three cereals and stole my heart along the way. (I have nipples, Erika, can you milk me? Oh relax, itsaquotepeople!)
And should we even talk about Molly’s mochi matchamajiggies? That girl should be the official mascot of hapa chicks everywhere, because she makes us look goooooood. She’s also good looking. And just a nice person, or so my many hours of blog-stalking have led me to believe. Wink.
If you haven’t gathered, I kind of love Popsicle Week and can’t thank Billy enough for hosting this jam-out for the second year in a row. He’s that badbadbadbadbadboy that makes us feel so good (you know he makes us feel so good) and a kind and patient soul for doing all the heavy lifting so that the whole 37 40 of us — yep, 40 bloggers in all! — could virtually clink stick food and get to know each other.
And all of you, of course!
Billy’s also hosting the main event over on his page, so be sure to pay him a visit to see all 37 40 of the frozen treats created in celebration of this week. There’ll be new posts every day, so check back tomorrow, too. You’ll come away inspired to make pretty much all the popsicles — and maybe you’ll even fall in love with a few new bloggy buds while you’re at it. They’re good people.
And on that note:
Fudge pops. (All hail the transition queeeeeeeeen!)
I can’t pretend that there’s anything original about these because they’re so closely styled after my favorite-ever pots de creme recipe. But I can promise you that they’re the tastiest fudge pops you’ll get your mouth around. They also take about 3 minutes to make, which is kind of a non-issue since the freezing time erases all hope of instant gratification, but I’m not gonna complain about easy.
Also, I maybe drank one of the popsicles right out of the blender. For you guys. To make sure everything was, uh, going as planned. You’re welcome.
Hope you guys enjoy these dudes as much as we do — and don’t forget to check out the rest of the Popsicle Week peeps over at Wit & Vinegar!
Mexican Mocha Fudge Pops (Vegan!)
By Emily Stoffel
Cooking Time: 5 mins + freezing | Makes 6+ pops
Note: I used this popsicle mold and was able to make six pops and one liquid truffle. Which is basically code for ‘drink the seventh popsicle.’ If you’re for serious vegan, be sure you choose chips without any milk fat or solids. TJ’s has ’em.
- 1 cup light coconut milk (or half & half)
- 9 oz semisweet or bittersweet chocolate chips
- two shots hot prepared espresso (or a scant 1/4 cup hot coffee
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 heaping tsp ground cinnamon
- generous 1/2 tsp chili powder
- coarse or flaked sea salt for serving, optional
Add coconut milk, chocolate chips and hot espresso or coffee to a blender and process until smooth. Add vanilla, cinnamon and chili powder and blend again to combine.
Pour chocolate mixture into popsicle molds and freeze until firm, about 6 hours or overnight.
Dip molds briefly into a glass of hot water to loosen pops. Sprinkle with sea salt immediately prior to serving (if using) and enjoy!
Like whatcha see here — or have a question, feedback, or recipe hack to share? Join The Pig & Quill convo by commenting below (I love, luv, lurve comments) and hang out with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. And don’t forget to subscribe to P&Q emails (see that nifty box up there in the sidebar?) so you never miss a post. x’s & o’s!
44 Comments on “Mexican Mocha Fudge Pops (vegan) — for Popsicle Week!”
I have all these ingredients at home right now! This looks so dang good! Those popsicle molds have been on my amazon wish list for forever – now I have to get them!
It’s fate, Grace! I also wouldn’t be too deterred if you don’t have the popsicle molds (yet). You could probably pour the whole shebang into a lined loaf pan, let it thaw ever so slightly, slice it up and call it a semifreddo or something fancy. Just get it in your face! 🙂
I love these! I’ve never been able to handle a lot of spice, but of course the first spicy thing I liked was mixed with chocolate. I’d have to use way less chili powder but these sound deliiiiightful, especially in that frozen form. 😀
Thanks Sara! And even with the chili powder, these are hardly spicy. It just lends a teensy bit of savory intrigue. Your mouth can totes handle it.
I love spicy, fudgey things! These look amazing.
That makes two of us! 🙂 Thanks Cindy!
oooh those look SO deeply fudgey! absolutely gorgeous. ps – (haha re: “milk me” – LOL!!!)
Yeah, they’re prettttty fudge’d up. But then again, so is my humor! HAAAAAAAAH. #killinit?
hahaa EMILY, thanks for cracking me up and becoming my newest interwebs crush. These pops look bonkers nuts crazy good and so, so creamy! YUM.
Anytime, girlie! So glad I could be of help. Interweb crushes are THE BEST! Should we watch Netflix romcoms together? (Hit play on three, 1-2-3!) No?? HELLOO???
Ok, these pops sound so decadent, and spicy, and just straight up yum. And on a total side note, Emily, you’re hapa too? Hooray for hapas. Molly and I just established this hapa connection the other day at Kimberley Hasselbrink’s book launch party. Should we start a hapa club?
Yes, let’s start a hapa club, can we please? Can it be #hungryhapas? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. <3
These are perfection. Sheer, caffeinated, spicy-fudgy perfection. And so are you, hapa hotness!<3
Ah, Cynthia. Did I ever tell you I like you? <3
this look soooooo good! i love the photos with the bite taken out. that means excellent fudge-y texture! you go girl! 🙂
Yes! Me toooOOOHH, Stephanie! I saw a comment on The Kitchn the other day that said “ew. pictures with teethmarks are so gross.” I was all, YOUR FACE IS GROSS. Not really. But really! I’m so glad you’re with me. 😉
hahhahahah yeah, unless you have some majorly messed up teeth is the bite gross. and you lady, from the looks of it, have excellent teeth!
Ha, good point! My orthodontist might disagree — I was pretttttty retainer-resistant in my too-cool teenage years. That sneaky hindsight thing is such a trickster…
YASSS! These are the tits! Is that something people say? I thought it appropriate, given the whole milking situation above. Also, I typed “the tits” into a google search just now to double check the phrase, bad idea. Especially at work! Whoops! #popsicleweek makes me do crazy things! (also, making these asap!)
Haha, whoops indeed! Oh well. I’m sure worse searches have crossed office computers. Like — well, maybe I shouldn’t just start listing things off. Might not be good for the Goog stats. (Or maybe it’d be GREAT!) In sum: tits is totally a thing, and you’re the tits for thinking these are the tits. Tits tits tits. That should do it. 😉
hahaha Em, you are flippin hilarious and this has made my day. Also your popsicles are bangin. Tits.
Thanks Erika! And can tits just be one of those stand-in things that works overtime to be basically all the words, like dakine? Like, hand me those tits, that shit is tits, did you bring the tits?
Tits yeah!
Emily!! I’m glad you picked up on the fact that I was trolling for a new bff with those pops 🙂 And if you’ll trade me one of these AMAZING pops, we’ll be bff’s forever. I love that you took a pots de creme recipe and turned it into pops!!!
I totally drank some of my pops before freezing them too! Haha!
Transitions in food posts are always difficult…my favorite is ANYHOO
These look decadently fudgey!
Yes, to dranksicles! It’s a lot of commitment to make a whole batch of pops and just kinda crapshoot the outcome — you gotta go into it with at least an educated guess. 🙂 Anyhoo…thanks for stopping by, girl! 🙂
i’m so in love with these pops. espresso in a dairy-free fudgsicle… heck, yes!
I’m gonna speak for the pops and say the feeling is mutual. Though they’re kinda slutty — they’ll hug anything that hugs back. 😉 And now speaking for myself: thanks Gretchen! 🙂
This looks insanely creamy and dense and indulgent! And the extra thickness of this pops makes it look like ice cream… mmmmmmm
These sound amazing!
Thanks lady!!
I would totally run up the coconut tree for one of these.
Yes!!! Love it, Noelle. Ya feel me.
Coconut milk in fudge pops? Girlllllllll YES.
Haha, thanks Stephanie!
Pingback: Blueberry and Cashew Milk Popsicles for #Popsicleweek (Gluten Free & Vegan) - Beard + Bonnet
Whoooaaaa there’s espresso in these little delights?! LOVE!!
Yes indeedy, sistah! 🙂
Pingback: strawberry coconut ice pops - Gluten-Flee
Pingback: Mexican Mocha Fudge Pops (vegan) -- for Popsicle Week!
Pingback: Brownie Tiramisu Trifle | Cake Over Steak
Pingback: 16 Buzzworthy Coffeehouse Inspired Popsicles - Jellibean Journals
I’m a little late, but I LOVE YOU for all these delicious vegan recipes. Your recipes are fabulous. I’ll be using your sweet potato and soyrizo chili for camping next week and that amazing looking chickpea tabouleh… and now these!! Now to figure out how to bring frozen popsicles camping…
Thank you thank you thank you!
Better late than never, Kelly! So glad you’re enjoying them (the chili will be perfect for camping!) and as for the pops…well, I wouldn’t hold it against you if you just filled a water bottle or two with the fudge mix and drank it as-is, haha. Not that I’ve done that, per se. Or have I? ? Have fun!!
these looks amazing. i am going to try this