You guys. First and foremost: can we get a hell yeah for Friday? I’ve got exactly nothing to complain about this week — the weather has been springtime perfection, Lana is going through some sort of growth spurt that has her nursing like a newborn and napping like a champ, and I learned that the thrift store down the street does 50% off Tuesdays! — but it doesn’t mean I don’t love me a weekend. And this weekend, two of my besties will be here to eat, shop and bug-snuggle to their hearts’ content. It’ll be just like our middle … Read More
no-bake mini vegan nutella cheesecakes

I have no idea how it happened, but Valentine’s Day is upon us. Six months ago, I thought I’d be prepared. I’d take Lana to one of those under-frequented paint-your-own pottery spots, stamp her fat little hand print on a saucer for Chris, and call it a day. In the evening, per tradition, Chris and I would cuddle up with big bowls of Kraft mac n’ cheese, a tray of Scotchmallows and the Mad Men finale — or something equally decadent. And one night in the week that followed, we’d celebrate more formally, pulling up chairs to a tiny table at our favorite … Read More
vegan pb + j popsicles // #popsicleweek!

It’s heeeeeeeeeeeeeere! Popsicle Week 2015, aka The One Where I Eat Allllllll the Peanut Butter. I hope your party pants are clean. If you guys have been here for a while, you might recall that Popsicle Week is an annual thing thanks in no small part to Billy over at Wit & Vinegar and his most excellent hosting skills. (Seriously, doing these group post thingies is kind of a tricky bia, so THANK YOU, BILLY. Managing a zillion hyperlinks is fersure a herding cats situation.) You can — and mosdefshould — visit Billy’s official PW page to check out the 65+ bloggers … Read More
“his n’ hers” panna cotta (coconut cream w/ cinnamon-bourbon whip + strawberry-sesame w/ matcha whip)

Let’s talk about how I just spent almost half an hour trying to pinpoint the crackling sound coming from the freezer only to realize it’s coming from a wood-wick candle I left burning on the bathroom counter. And now my kitchen is littered with frozen food and I get to play my favorite-ever freezer game “hide the banana(s).” Except it’s not nearly as fun or dirty as it sounds and more like I really, really need to make banana bread some time in 2015. Yikes. A. Bee. Now (Bachelor spoiler) let’s talk about how Farmbeezy Chreezy almost totally redeemed himself this week by … Read More
Sinless Superfood Devil’s Food Donuts + a Sambazon Giveaway — #SoLetsPigOut

I’ve learned the key to time travel. It’s called get busy, stay busy and maybe stress-eat half a key lime pie. Also, suggest a blog collaboration that runs a whole week long right in the middle of summer. The hours will just drop right away, all Heart of the Ocean style. Just “oop” and it’s Thursday. That’s some magick-with-a-“k” stuff right there. If you’re not picking up what I’m putting down, the last three days of #SoLetsPigOut have been a blur. We’ve got THREE giveaways going, and yesterday I forced a Mad Men reference right onto your Grilled Thai Beef … Read More
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