Do you guys ever make up little stories about the people in your neighborhood? Not the people who live next door or across the street, who you presumably actually know a little about — but the people you see every morning on your way to work or every now and then when you walk past the bus stop or queued up in line at Starbucks, all Lululemon’d to the nines, who you truly know nothing about except maybe that they repeatedly order an “Ummm, Hi Short Decaf Nonfat Cap,” to which you repeatedly question (internally, uh’course) Ummm, Hi WHAT’S THE FREAKING POINT? And … Read More
15-min roasted cranberry compote | happy thanksgiving!
Hey luvvvvvs! SUPER quick post today to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving week and to quickly share just how thankful I am for everything this year has delivered (heh) — but also for this little space and the friends I’ve made hanging out here. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again (and again): I so love the exchanges that take place both here on the blog and across social media and am truly tickled to know that folks actually set aside a few moments of your busy weeks to hear what I’ve got to say (particularly since it’s most often … Read More
vietnamese shaking beef with gingered sweet potatoes + a giveaway!
In case you didn’t notice, it’s almost the holidays. I swear just yesterday I was sitting on a wintry beach in Maui shoving my little Lana-belly full of fish tacos and shave ice and now she’s here chilling with us on the outside cutting her Third Freaking Tooth and outgrowing her footie PJs like she’s getting paid for it. WHAT. THE. HEDDLE. I don’t know about you guys, but when the holidays are this close in sight, I become decidedly torn about what and how to eat. On the one hand, it’s only too easy to daydream about things like … Read More
cider poached pears with apple cider caramel + toasted pecans (vegan)
First, a disclaimer: I am writing this in a haze of post-Daylight Saving Time exhaustion. If you have children — particularly small children on whom the concept of “sleeping in” is completely lost, you feel my pain. Add in teething and a sudden desire to skip a third nap (despite offering every indication that a third nap is, indeed, just what the doctor ordered), and you end up somewhere close to here. Welcome to my semi-functioning, yoga-pants-as-real-pants, peanut-butter-pretzels-for-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner reality. THANK GOD FOR CARAMEL SAUCE. Caramel sauce, I have recently discovered, can be the antidote to a myriad of woes. I say … Read More
pumpkin pie milkshakes with pumpkin spice caramel and maple whip (df)
Let me first address the obvious here, because I bet someone out there is just itching to say it: a milkshake without dairy is not a true milkshake. I know this is the popular opinion, and even in my own heart, I know it to be true. But there’s something to be said for getting really, really, really close. And then taking some titular liberties. Ha. Titular. If you’ve been around this blog for any part of the autumn season before, you know it becomes kind of a squash and pumpkin show. I mean, I wouldn’t say I’m the biggest pumpkin (or even … Read More