Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting — a rich, not-too-sweet autumn cake topped with a classic cream cheese frosting and nutty, coconut-almond granola. Gluten-free. Monday! Hope you had a good weekend, friends. We had friends in town for the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival, after which we carved pumpkins for our own front porch and filled our bellies with crusty, grilled cheese sandwiches dunked in big bowls of my favorite Buttered Miso-Tomato Soup. This week I prep for an upcoming trip to Hong Kong (HK! I’m immensely excited for dumplings/toast/high tea/Hello Kitty cafes – please send recs for any/all!), … Read More
raspberry basil gingerade fizz

You guys, I don’t know about your parts, but my parts are hot. My parts meaning both of the world and, um, of my bod. My parts are hot. Lana’s parts are hot. I feel like at the conclusion of each nursing session I’m peeling us apart like a sheet of stubborn cling wrap that just is not having it. Poor little clammy kiddo. We’ve been swaddling her nekkie at night (well, diped up but no jammers) in the lightest little muslin swaddle we’ve got and she’s been getting through it like a champ. Because lemme just put it out … Read More
spiced summer squash quickbread (gf)

I set out intending to leave this post free of any mammary references, but then I went for my first postpartum jog the other day and realized that HOLY JESUS Running With Boobs Hurts Like The Dickens and it just didn’t feel right keeping the lid on such an epiphany, so there goes that. And to think I actually wanted these things back in high school. Ouch. Also, how uncomfortable is the word mammary? I’m having mixed feelings about it, mostly because every time I hear it I picture whales swimming around with little storybook clusters of bubbles floating about, because obvi whales are … Read More
glazed pineapple-banana loaf cake with walnuts + cherries

The past couple of weeks have been such a whirlwind. I know I allude to something of that nature every few posts or so, but I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced time moving at quite this rate of speed before. Isn’t there some convention that pregnancy flies by until you hit the last month or so and then everything suddenly stills while you wait…and wait…and wait…? I can tell you, I’m closing in on that last month, and I’m not sure there will ever be enough days between today and the day to tick all the boxes on all the lists. Waaah. One … Read More
“his n’ hers” panna cotta (coconut cream w/ cinnamon-bourbon whip + strawberry-sesame w/ matcha whip)

Let’s talk about how I just spent almost half an hour trying to pinpoint the crackling sound coming from the freezer only to realize it’s coming from a wood-wick candle I left burning on the bathroom counter. And now my kitchen is littered with frozen food and I get to play my favorite-ever freezer game “hide the banana(s).” Except it’s not nearly as fun or dirty as it sounds and more like I really, really need to make banana bread some time in 2015. Yikes. A. Bee. Now (Bachelor spoiler) let’s talk about how Farmbeezy Chreezy almost totally redeemed himself this week by … Read More