curried peach hand pies

curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #baking

curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #baking
It’s peach season peeeeyotches! Holla if ya hear me.

Peaches make me think of two things:

1) Face/Off. Which, despite Nick Cage’s sickko one liner about, um, peaches, remains one of the best worst movies ever.

2) PIE!

When I was a kiddo, our neighbors had a Babcock peach tree with a limb that draped liberally into our yard and sagged heavy with juicy, white-fleshed fruit, ripe for the poaching. In summer evenings when the valley heat calmed down a beat, my mom would throw open the windows — thus inviting inward the sweetest delta breeze to ever kiss my pillowcase — and dial the oven to pie baking temps.

Because baking hot as shit pies on a hot as shit day is what you do when the fruit begs it of you.

My mom’s peach pies are of the old-fashioned variety: tall and lumpy with heaps of fruit and enveloped in two flaky crusts, the top of which is lacquered and ambered and adorned unapologetically with a little cluster of hand cut pie crust leaves and the likeness of the fruit within. It’s the thing that, today, would bring a tear to those hipster-maker-types’ eyes. Pinterest, eat your heart out.

curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #bakingUnfortunately, the baking gene skipped a generation (I enjoyed my peaches simply halved and smothered with so much cinnamon-sugar you didn’t dare breathe on the damn thing), so I present to you the (short)cuttiest peach pies you ever did see, made simply with premade pie dough and stuffed with stone fruit spiced juuuuust elegantly enough to make you forget that baking is so not your steez.

I was able to get three mini (four-inch) hand pies and four minier (three-inch) hand pies from one premade pie crust — with some filling to spare — so doubling the recipe would make you more than enough pies for a party. Oooooooh, a Fourth of July party, mehbes, since that’s coming ’round the bend right quick. I mean, peach pie + America = fireworks!!! || confetti pop!!! || fist bump!!! || peaches!!!

Here’s to hot summer nights and [eating] peach pies [for hours], friendsies!

curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #baking
curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #bakingcurried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #baking
curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #baking
curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #baking

curried peach hand pies
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Makes: about 6-8 hand pies
  • 2 large peaches, peeled and diced
  • 2 T sugar (plus extra for sprinkling)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp vindaloo curry powder (I always use Penzey's)
  • ½ tsp garam masala
  • ½ tsp chili powder
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • prepared pie dough (about 1 premade frozen crust, defrosted, or generous ½ lb favorite dough)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  1. Preheat oven to 400F.
  2. Line baking sheet with parchment or Silpat. Mix beaten egg with a splash of water and set aside.
  3. In a small bowl, combine peaches, sugar, spices and vanilla.
  4. Working with a floured surface and pin, roll out dough to about ⅛" thickness and cut to desired size for hand pies, re-rolling/cutting scraps as necessary. I was able to cut three 4" pies (so six 4" pieces) and four 3" pies (eight 3" pieces) from my dough.
  5. Transfer bottom pieces of pastry to lined baking sheet and top with a heaping tablespoon of peach mixture. Brush edges of pastry with egg wash.
  6. Lightly re-roll top pastry pieces so they're ever so slightly larger than the bottom pastries and lay them on top, gently pressing to adhere. Crimp edges with a fork.
  7. Brush egg wash over hand pies and sprinkle liberally with sugar. Cut a few vents in pastry to allow steam to escape.
  8. Bake hand pies for 15-17 mins or until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly before transferring to a wire rack. Serve warm or at room temp. (Leftovers are great reheated in a toaster oven!) Enjoy!
curried peach hand pies recipe | via #summer #fruit #baking


OH! before you go…

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15 Comments on “curried peach hand pies”

    1. Thanks Libby! Send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I’ll get one headed your way! (Kidding. I’m about as bad at mailing stuff as I am at baking…so, really really.Really.) 😉

  1. I love curry. I love peach. I love pie. = I love this post very much 🙂
    It amazes me that you can do a wonderful post, and at the same time, take care of the adorable toddler of yours 🙂

    1. Eeeek, thanks Pang! Good thing you can’t see the state of my kitchen (or the rest of my house, for that matter!). 🙂

  2. So cute! I’ve never put curry into a sweet dish… but I totally hear you on the peach season thing! So awesome to have fresh peaches 🙂 Yum.

    1. Never put curry in a sweet dish!? Well what are you waiting for, curry up, Alice! (Too easy, I know…) Love me some peaches. The ones at the farmer’s market have been candy-sweet recently — so hard not to just stand over the sink and cram my face with one after another…

  3. Pingback: Peach and Curry Hand Pies

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