It’s peach season peeeeyotches! Holla if ya hear me. Peaches make me think of two things: 1) Face/Off. Which, despite Nick Cage’s sickko one liner about, um, peaches, remains one of the best worst movies ever. 2) PIE! When I was a kiddo, our neighbors had a Babcock peach tree with a limb that draped liberally into our yard and sagged heavy with juicy, white-fleshed fruit, ripe for the poaching. In summer evenings when the valley heat calmed down a beat, my mom would throw open the windows — thus inviting inward the sweetest delta breeze to ever kiss my pillowcase — … Read More
cream cheese + pepper jelly (or blueberry) pop tarts

Oh looksie there! We meet again. Pardon my absence while I’ve been off playing Let’s Not Break the Internet. You know that game where you’re basically betting against Newman’s head popping up with a taunting “ah-ah-ah” and crossing your digits that if all hell breaks loose you can wrangle the raptors before that chunky little monkey runs off with the Barbasol can? Is that not how it goes? I feel like you feel me. I mean, if you’re reading this, that’s probably a good sign. The internet is still intact. And you’re maybe even lookin’ at a snazzy new P&Q! Or else everything is … Read More
Masala Roasted Sunchokes with Feta, Mint & Lemon (gluten-free)

UPDATE: This contest is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Have you entered our Luv Yo Momma giveaway yet? No? So I guess you don’t wanna win a Breakfast in Bed set from Q Squared, then. Ok. Up to you. (Check it out!) Confession number one. I just ate a pop tart. Well, ok, some non-GMO, organic approximation of a pop-tart, but it hit all the same pop-tarty notes. Scalding hot, jammy inside. Crackling sugary crust. It was all sorts of delicious. I want another. Maybe in time I’ll DIY some for the bliggy. Confession number two. I’m about half … Read More