Whew. How are you guys? I’m, well, tired. We said a bittersweet goodbye to our little old house last week, packed up our tiny kitchen and lingered over many a box recounting the memories we made in one home and everything that awaits us in the next. And now we’ve got company coming tomorrow and a whole heap’a boxes to be unpacked in the guest room, so while I’ve got too much fun stuff to talk about today, I’ll keep things Speedy McGee. Here goes: 1) Kicking things off (wait for it…), oh heeeeeeeeeyyy Super Bowl Weekend — how’re you doin? … Read More
curried peach hand pies

It’s peach season peeeeyotches! Holla if ya hear me. Peaches make me think of two things: 1) Face/Off. Which, despite Nick Cage’s sickko one liner about, um, peaches, remains one of the best worst movies ever. 2) PIE! When I was a kiddo, our neighbors had a Babcock peach tree with a limb that draped liberally into our yard and sagged heavy with juicy, white-fleshed fruit, ripe for the poaching. In summer evenings when the valley heat calmed down a beat, my mom would throw open the windows — thus inviting inward the sweetest delta breeze to ever kiss my pillowcase — … Read More
mini meyer lemon cannoli cream tartlets

You guysssszsszzz! Mother’s Day is this weekend!! Somehow that means it’s FREAKING MAY ALREADY. Yikes. And new this year: I totally get to participate in MoDay stuffies as a momma. Yikes Part 2. Or maybe Yay Part 1? Because crudsmugglers, this whole parenting thing is spectacularly spectacular in the full-blown, John Leguizamo-as-The-Magical-Sittar kind of way. It’s at once beautiful and terrifying and easier and harder than I ever imagined and the last two weeks have passed in what I can only describe as a state of quasi-hypnosis. I’ve never been more fixated on another living thing. I’ve never been more fixated on … Read More
Soy Chorizo and Black Bean Empanadas

Soy Chorizo and Black Bean Empanadas: warmly spiced soy (or traditional) chorizo, black beans and sweet potatoes encased in a golden-brown, tender, flaky crust. These veggie hand pies are simple, satisfying and adorably portable. There’s been some major crankypants happening around here lately. Maybe it has something to do with the post-vacation blues (kind of a real thing) or the post-vacation head-turned-chest cold (definitely a real thing), but I have been reallll whiny. Things like emptying bags of Trader Joe’s brand Funyuns into my face seem to be helping marginally, although I refuse to call them by their given name, … Read More
Dilled Salmon & White Bean Pot Pies

Ya’ll ready for this? You guys are going to be totally jay. My bestie Kev and I are hitting the SF resto scene pretty hard this weekend as a belated celebration of our dirty 30’s — and it’s been deefreekinglicious. We’ve made friends with things like ramp kimchi foam and barely cooked farm eggs and maitake mushrooms swimming in browned butter and housemade pork sausages with caramelized bacon greens. Caramelized. Bacon. Greens. Yes, they’re a thing, and now we’re totally buddies. Also, you better believe I just got to spend the afternoon hanging with that pretty lady Gina and her … Read More