Hello from the land of Still Avoiding the Ice Cream Truck. Is summer over yet? JK. Sorta. Lana is down to her last two weeks of preschool before a monthlong break, so in a sense, summer in our house is just about to get started. I’ve been not-so-subtly hinting to Chris that we should use this time to get outta dodge — preferably somewhere with both an on-site spa and swimming pool — while simultaneously reminding myself that we live smack in the midst of a vacation destination and the simpler (ahem, more affordable) thing to do would be to stay … Read More
Honey Hibiscus Tea Popsicles
Last week, Chris took the car-with-the-carseat to the shop for routine maintenance. Sans vehicle, Lana and I were determined to make the most of our new neighborhood, which is close to all that this little seaside town offers: coffee shops galore, our favorite lunch spot (the hen of the woods sandwich, my worddd), the library, playgrounds big and small, the bourgeois grocery store, the decidedly un-bourgeois grocery store — and my personal fave: THE BEACH. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how this day went. It was, let’s say, challenging. Remember when I published that lovely post last … Read More
Chocolate Chip Cookie Crisps / Vegan + Gluten-Free
Let me just say: I let my kid watch an irresponsible amount of Boss Baby so I could get this post pushed out to you guys today. Bad parenting in the name of really, really excellent cookies. These cookies came about (like most good things) mostly unintentionally. A late-night craving for our favorite (Accidentally) Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies, a pantry short on AP flour and brown sugar. We’ll make do, I figured. Some cookies are better than no cookies. And while I still maintain that to be true, the resulting cookies were…not ideal. Thick and doughy, and with all white … Read More
Vanilla Cream Cheese Cupcakes with Blackberry Lemon Buttercream + a Giveaway!
Twenty-seventeen, you guys. Woof. And the holidays. Woof Woof. This year was confusing, to say the least. I spent the first half chemically incapacitated, the second half wholly elated, and the whole lot of it at a loss for words as humanity continues its attempts at devolution. But in this moment, I am stuffed to the gills with treats and sweets and roasted meats — and plenty of other fine examples of gluttony that don’t happen to rhyme. And I am pushing cupcakes on you at the very last minute, begging you to make them happen in your own kitchen … Read More
Salted Pumpkin Caramel Cinnamon Toast Crunchies
Hello hello! Quick one, today. In fact, I’m going to take exactly 30 seconds to tell you, via one extraordinarily long (though mostly grammatically correct) sentence, that tomorrow is the anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis and that, if you asked me six months ago whether I’d give two shits about pumpkin treats come fall, I would have answered with a resounding “I’d give anything to give two shits about anything…” before retreating somberly back to bed — so I’m feeling particularly amp’d to report the biggest issues I faced this week concerned 1) ripping through The Handmaid’s Tale too … Read More