You know what’s fun to wake up to? Leftover pizza that Chris brought home from Sacramento completely unexpectedly. Hello, breakfast! You know what’s not fun to wake up to? Chris doubled over with food poisoning from said pizza. Fortunately, I hadn’t gotten any further than taking the box out of the fridge and doing a little dance before Chris warned me. Bullet dodged. So that’s been our morning, which means that, instead of celebrating Grandma Inez’s 90th birthday with about a hundred of Chris’ aunts, uncles and cousins, we’re chilling at home with The Carrie Diaries and napping away the … Read More
Smoked Olive Oil Caramels with Chocolate & Pecans

Hi again. It’s me, Emily, here, with a recipe that is probably mostly definitely going to make you want to tear your hair out in absurdly delicious confusion. So, remember when I posted those spicy chocolate caramels the other day? (Yes, the day AFTER Valentine’s Day.) And then I promised a naughtier version would be forthcoming? Well, hunnayy, you would not imagine the emails I received after that post. People were really freaking curious! It was all like: – What do you mean by naughty? – Are they shellac’d with some kind of latex-finish gloss? – Caramel Room of Pain? – … Read More
OH, the places you’ll go…and baked stuffed apples
Ok, maybe more like OH, the place that I went. This past week I had the immense pleasure of traveling back to Ohio to spend a few days with my dear friend, Amanda, and food – as usual – played a large role when it came to planning our agenda. I was incredibly fortunate to be in town for the last few days of Dine Originals’ Restaurant Week (I’ll go into detail in another post), but the most memorable meal of the long weekend ended up being a pot-lucked brunch at our friends Amanda and Stephen’s house. (There are two … Read More
Recipe: Rosemary sugar prune crisp
I know, I know, the first thing that comes to mind when you think prunes isn’t dessert. If you’re anything like me, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t even positive (it’s Barbara Mandrell, if we’re being honest). But last weekend, while having brunch at my grandparents house, my cousin Kyle asked me if I had tried the sugar prunes from their tree. I was shocked. Prunes? From a tree? I thought prunes were only prunes after they were dried, with the fresh version being a plum. Alas, turns out a dried prune is just a dried fresh prune, … Read More