Brown Sugar Blueberry Pie Shakes — as indulgent as they sound, all the flavor of blueberry pie in a creamy dreamy blueberry milkshake whirled with nutty almond butter and studded with shortbread cookies. Yes please. This past weekend was full of firsts. My first real vacay away from the babe. My first show at Red Rocks. My first exposure to Dr. Pimple Popper. (I can get into a lot of bizarre shit, but I just can’t do it, you guys.) The four days I spent in Denver were so very indulgent. Leisurely breakfasts in with old friends. Leisurely breakfasts out with … Read More
raspberry basil gingerade fizz

You guys, I don’t know about your parts, but my parts are hot. My parts meaning both of the world and, um, of my bod. My parts are hot. Lana’s parts are hot. I feel like at the conclusion of each nursing session I’m peeling us apart like a sheet of stubborn cling wrap that just is not having it. Poor little clammy kiddo. We’ve been swaddling her nekkie at night (well, diped up but no jammers) in the lightest little muslin swaddle we’ve got and she’s been getting through it like a champ. Because lemme just put it out … Read More
tuesday links — #emspigletparty edition!

You’re so confused. I can already sense it. I usually do Friday Links, and that’s using the word usually pretty loosely since I apparently suffer from some calendar scheduling incapability that’s probably a close cousin of procrastination. But this week, well, THIS week is some kind of special, because yesterday I awoke to a barrage of phone notifications alerting me to the fact that the interwebs were throwing me a surprise virtual baby shower (#EmsPigletParty) for our little piglet. A surprise. Virtual. Baby shower. Because that’s a thing. WHAT! ♥♥♥ And also: awesome sauce collection! (That’s like your Great Uncle Marty’s collection of hot … Read More
It’s a Share the Love Cuisinart GIVEAWAY! (And “Strawberry Milk” Icebox Pie)

Update: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Dudesies, it’s Valentine’s Day! And in honor of this, the most romantical of holidays, I felt like I needed, well, more than words…to show I feel…that my love for you is real. (Too…Extreme? Ha. Just me? Shocking.) But seriously you guys: I’ve joined nine of my blogger buds to Share the Love by giving one lucky reader an incredible 14-Cup Cuisinart Food Processor! And it couldn’t be easier to enter! In case you didn’t get that, alls ya gotta do is CLICK HERE to enter through Rafflecopter between February … Read More