There are weeks where you feel like you just suck at life. And I’m having one. In a big, fat, cure-me-with-carbs kinda way. So let’s talk waffles. I like waffles. They taste good. They make my insides feel good. And the they’re a guilty pleasure for my OCD side. I maybe eat my waffles along the gridlines. WHAT. I’m not going to insist that these waffles are life changing, but I will tell you that the more I use the word waffles in this post, the better I feel. Try it for yourself. I mean, you don’t have to type … Read More
Baked Tofu Banh Mi Salad
Hey ya’ll. You’re not gonna believe this, but we’re back! Wedding month concluded yesterday with a super cute, DIY ceremony and reception that Pinterest only wished it had witnessed in the flesh. Of course I left my phone at home, so I can’t share a lick of it with you right yet, but if I can get my hand on some snaparoos, I’ll be sure to share. Suuuuuur cuuuuuurte. And now we can get on with a fall that’s nearly as full of festivities. Almost. Except guessat. I’m not ready for fall. So instead let’s keep eating salad like it’s … Read More
Snap Pea, Parmesan & Bacon Salad with Dijon Dressing
Evening friends. Quick post tonight as I want to save a few things for a bonus post I’ll be putting up later in the weekend. A little sunt’n sunt’n about a certain blog turning one. We might even light a candle, but let’s not get ahead of things. This week has been, in a word, flaughghg. I’ve been operating in a bit of a fog, attempting to nurse myself back to health with a winning mixture of green juice, Emergen-C and DayQuil, but only after a trip to the doc and a five-day stint of antibiotics am I finally starting … Read More
Soy Chorizo and Black Bean Empanadas
Soy Chorizo and Black Bean Empanadas: warmly spiced soy (or traditional) chorizo, black beans and sweet potatoes encased in a golden-brown, tender, flaky crust. These veggie hand pies are simple, satisfying and adorably portable. There’s been some major crankypants happening around here lately. Maybe it has something to do with the post-vacation blues (kind of a real thing) or the post-vacation head-turned-chest cold (definitely a real thing), but I have been reallll whiny. Things like emptying bags of Trader Joe’s brand Funyuns into my face seem to be helping marginally, although I refuse to call them by their given name, … Read More
Simple Summer Fried Rice w/ Chinese Sausage
I might have said something on Facebook about posting my Saturday post on Sunday. And that might have been a lie. I might have skipped it altogether. I blame jetlag. And cookie chips, because they’re habit-forming and caused me to spend half of Sunday rocking in a corner fiending, which, by the way, does not make for productive blogging. Also: Newsroom. The characters on that show are so damn sharp! I like to tell myself that not everyone follows their quick dialogue like I do. That not everyone appreciates the conversations within conversations. That not everyone feels my deep, personal … Read More