As I write this, Lana is on the baby cam arranging her bed buddies around the perimeter of her crib, and her baby doll just won’t sit up the way she wants. It’s fascinating to me the way she’ll prop her up, watch her slouch forward, frown, prop her up again, etc., without so much as peep — when I know that, if I were in the room with her, she’d be whining almost instantly for my help. It’s moments like this — little, stalkery episodes where I stand back and admire her persistence or strength (she deadlifted a compost … Read More
Nectarine + Prosciutto Galettes with Gorgonzola + Thyme

This post was supposed to be published two days ago, but I’ve been spending my evenings shopping online for tutus. Talk about a rabbit hole. I’m down it so far, I’m thinking it’d be shorter dig my way out through China. Which wouldn’t be the worst idea, since that’s where about 100% of tutus you can buy online are made. Also iPhone 7 cases. But that’s a hole nother story. (Yes, I’m laughing out loud at myself.) In a move I was almost certain we’d never make, we signed Lana up for ballet this week. To be clear: I have nothing against … Read More
(10 minute) pear + ricotta crostini with honey + thyme

So, just to get a few things off the table before I go all (non) recipe on your butts: Spain is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous. I’d heard all the things about all the cities we’d be visiting, and I went in completely assuming I’d leave with a strong bias toward one or the other, but so far I’ve fallen in love with little bits of Barcelona (the jamón, Gaudi everything, and some of the most excellently executed vegetarian food I’ve had in a while), San Sebastian (pintxos, of course — and the views!) and Madrid (palaces and patatas — what’s not to like??). … Read More
60-minute (mini) thanksgiving: mayo-roasted chicken wings, cranberry and spice brussel sprouts + pumpkin-pecan stuffing

Holy freaking (American) Thanksgiving is in two weeks. I say that like I’m telling you something, I realize. Like you don’t know that for yourself. But that’s only because things like calendar events tend to get away from me, so I need subtle reminders — like Target swapping bins of Reese’s ghosts for motorized Lazy Susans topped with shiny plastic trees — to shake me out of my “it’s squash season but let’s pretend it’s still summer” daydream. So just to be clear: I know you know it’s almost Turkey Time. But I’m gonna go ahead and keep freaking out. Fortunately — and … Read More
Cheesy Sweet Potato Waffles w/ Sour Cream & Maple

There are weeks where you feel like you just suck at life. And I’m having one. In a big, fat, cure-me-with-carbs kinda way. So let’s talk waffles. I like waffles. They taste good. They make my insides feel good. And the they’re a guilty pleasure for my OCD side. I maybe eat my waffles along the gridlines. WHAT. I’m not going to insist that these waffles are life changing, but I will tell you that the more I use the word waffles in this post, the better I feel. Try it for yourself. I mean, you don’t have to type … Read More
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