You’re so confused. I can already sense it. I usually do Friday Links, and that’s using the word usually pretty loosely since I apparently suffer from some calendar scheduling incapability that’s probably a close cousin of procrastination. But this week, well, THIS week is some kind of special, because yesterday I awoke to a barrage of phone notifications alerting me to the fact that the interwebs were throwing me a surprise virtual baby shower (#EmsPigletParty) for our little piglet. A surprise. Virtual. Baby shower. Because that’s a thing. WHAT! ♥♥♥ And also: awesome sauce collection! (That’s like your Great Uncle Marty’s collection of hot … Read More
glazed pineapple-banana loaf cake with walnuts + cherries
The past couple of weeks have been such a whirlwind. I know I allude to something of that nature every few posts or so, but I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced time moving at quite this rate of speed before. Isn’t there some convention that pregnancy flies by until you hit the last month or so and then everything suddenly stills while you wait…and wait…and wait…? I can tell you, I’m closing in on that last month, and I’m not sure there will ever be enough days between today and the day to tick all the boxes on all the lists. Waaah. One … Read More
“his n’ hers” panna cotta (coconut cream w/ cinnamon-bourbon whip + strawberry-sesame w/ matcha whip)
Let’s talk about how I just spent almost half an hour trying to pinpoint the crackling sound coming from the freezer only to realize it’s coming from a wood-wick candle I left burning on the bathroom counter. And now my kitchen is littered with frozen food and I get to play my favorite-ever freezer game “hide the banana(s).” Except it’s not nearly as fun or dirty as it sounds and more like I really, really need to make banana bread some time in 2015. Yikes. A. Bee. Now (Bachelor spoiler) let’s talk about how Farmbeezy Chreezy almost totally redeemed himself this week by … Read More
grain-free mini persimmon spice cakes (+ eggnog parfaits)
It’s Christmas Eve! Around here, that means prepping for the in-laws’ annual tamale feast and perhaps the most competitive pirate’s gift exchange that ever was. Our particular version features plenty of red wine and tequila and a particularly obscene vase that makes a comeback every year. It’s a raucous good time and one of those small things I know we’ll enjoy savoring in its current glory before things like an unfortunate floral receptacle that seriously resembles a vagina and nothing else takes a backseat to our inevitably lovely little piglet. How well do you feel like you know my family right know? I’m … Read More
cream cheese + pepper jelly (or blueberry) pop tarts
Oh looksie there! We meet again. Pardon my absence while I’ve been off playing Let’s Not Break the Internet. You know that game where you’re basically betting against Newman’s head popping up with a taunting “ah-ah-ah” and crossing your digits that if all hell breaks loose you can wrangle the raptors before that chunky little monkey runs off with the Barbasol can? Is that not how it goes? I feel like you feel me. I mean, if you’re reading this, that’s probably a good sign. The internet is still intact. And you’re maybe even lookin’ at a snazzy new P&Q! Or else everything is … Read More