A couple weekends ago, Chris and I were holed up in a Truckee hotel for a night during one of his mountain bike races. He was in the bathroom tending to one of his “it’s cool, I think a butterfly bandage should hold it together” injuries (ew) while I distracted myself with Food Network in the bedroom. Because that’s what married people do in swanky euro-mod hotel rooms. First aid and cable. Anyway. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives was on, of course (is it not always?), and exclamations like BANGARANG and BOOYAH and TAKE ME TO FLAVORTOWN were shooting out of … Read More
Hawaiian Street Corn with SPAM + Pineapple (gluten-free)

Hey guys, and welcome to Day Two of Street Corn Two Ways. It’s a pretty efficient series. Yesterday, we started things off with this classic Mexican Street Corn thingy and today we’re wrappin’ it on up with an islandy (I guess? For lack of better descriptor?) spin that’s sweet and salty and soy-y and scallion-y and best of all bests — SPAMMY. *contented sigh* SPAM is, no joke, one of my most favorite food groups ever. Like, remember that time I was like, “out with factory farmed meat!” Um, canni tell you a secret? I never ditched the SPAM. (Shhhhhhhhhh, fancy … Read More
Summer Street Corn Two Ways (gluten-free)

Ok guys. Here it is: the post (or rather, posts) that’s officially gonna take your “waaaaaah it’s already August, Poopiecakes McBacktoschool” and turn it into “it’s peak sweet corn season beeeyahs, mah summer’s juuuuuuust getting started!!” Because a summer without corn is just pool hair and ReddiWip. Ear cuffs and Dippin’ Dots. Rollerblades and boy bands. Oh, sorry, thought we were listing our fave childhood shit. Are you still there? The shameful thing is that corn actually isn’t all that commonplace in our house, even when it’s at the peak of candy-sweet, 10-for-a-dolla awesomeness. The simplest explanation would be that Chris … Read More
Mexican Mocha Fudge Pops (vegan) — for Popsicle Week!

In case you’ve been snoozing under a rocksicle, it’s Popsicle Week all over the interwebs, and things are getting frenzied. Nicole made a popsicle that tastes like FREAKING THAI PEANUT SAUCE, for crying out loud. I think she might have just secured her spot as my new bff, which I’m almost certain was her intent when she was like, I’m gonna make me an ice pop that’ll taste real good with some cilan-lan on top. Ok, the cilan-lan was me. But I’d like her even more if she said it. (Do it, Nicole. It’s a fun time.) Should we talk … Read More
Pineapple-Mint Coconut Water Frappé (vegan, paleoish)

This morning I woke up with sunshine practically pouring out of ears, my heart lighter ‘an air and a serious spring in my step. It’s summer, you guys. Not almost summer or might as well be summer but the real thing. Warm. Glorious. And my day planner Google Cal is finally awash with long, sleepy weekends, fancy pants dinners and aeroplane travel to places near and far. Columbus, Las Vegas, Puerto Vallarta. Tahoe, Mammoth — and, if I can swing it, maybe even a late summer roadtrip through the Pacific Northwest. It’s a lot in a little time, and before I know it, … Read More