Easter eggs. Can we call these that? Is that just too easy, too obvious, when I tell you that this brunchy feast is the exact thing you’ll want to dive your face into come Easter Sunday? Maybe so, but I never promised to be a clever one. And freaking Easter eggs — c’mon! It’s kinda cute. Cyuuuuuuute. Kyoooote. I’m getting soft. Ok, but before we talk about eggs real quick, can we just address THE JINX? Have you guys watched it? We were completely sucked in and polished off the whole mini-series in, like, three days. (I’m a liar. Two days.) And then … Read More
Grilled Melon and Prosciutto Caprese (grain-free) – and a P&Q birthday

Somehow, today marks two years that I’ve been blogging here with all of you (!!), and I’m feeling rather romantic about a number of things. About the blog, yes. And also: every stitch of clothing in the latest Anthro catalogue. This sofa. Chef Sean Brock. Be still my beating heart, this is a crush I won’t be shaking any time soon. I had the chance to dine at the original Husk restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina when my mom and I embarked on our unforgettable Southern Eats birthday road trip this time last year. We arrived for lunch just as the … Read More
Pear & Fennel Salad with Blue Cheese & Balsamic

It’s a big day here at the Pig & Quill. And not just because October walloped my unsuspecting self like the Kraken taking down a ship adrift. Ok, well that’s part of it. Because wasn’t it June, like, 48 hours ago? NOPE. Try again. It wasn’t even June 48 days ago. Man, feeling like a sucka…sucks. But back to getting pumped. Today, my pretty friends, The Pig & Quill kitchen is being featured on none other than: The Kitchn! (In case you didn’t catch that, here’s the link.) I’m tempted to feel like a pretty big frickin’ deal, but it’s really … Read More
Spinach & Quinoa Cake with Curried Avocado Cream (gluten-free)

We have friends in town this weekend. And you know what friends in town means. Swiffering the hair off the bathroom floor. And also: brunch! Now that we’ve awkwardly linked hair and food and I’ve lost a good number of readers, let’s the rest of us delve a little more into the brunch thing. From my (clearly very chaotic) point of view, brunch is the king of mealtimes for a numbers of reasons. A) It’s a hybrid word. Maybe the first ever. In fact, yes, I’m pretty sure linguistic anthropologists would tell you that back in the day, like when … Read More
Pineapple & Spinach Green Smoothie

Good Tuesday, pretties! Hope everyone’s been having a lovurly week. Seven days post-vacay, I think we’ve finally recuperated from our extra-long weekend of glitz and gluttony in NYC — thanks in no small part to a few detox meals based almost solely around things that grow from the earth. (Apparently, the detox ended last night when I decided that a platter of meltingly tender carnitas-style pork belly with Spanish rice and refried beans makes for a balanced meal, but we’ll leave that for next Tuesday’s post. I will say now: no regrets whatsoever.) So what does one eat while trying … Read More
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