You’re so confused. I can already sense it. I usually do Friday Links, and that’s using the word usually pretty loosely since I apparently suffer from some calendar scheduling incapability that’s probably a close cousin of procrastination. But this week, well, THIS week is some kind of special, because yesterday I awoke to a barrage of phone notifications alerting me to the fact that the interwebs were throwing me a surprise virtual baby shower (#EmsPigletParty) for our little piglet. A surprise. Virtual. Baby shower. Because that’s a thing. WHAT! ♥♥♥ And also: awesome sauce collection! (That’s like your Great Uncle Marty’s collection of hot … Read More
greek sweet potato fries with curried tzatziki

Just a shortie today because I’ve got roughly three weeks of freezer meals calling out to be labeled and organized and tetris’d into a spot that was previously occupied by six frozen ‘naners. Which have now become two ginormous loaves of pineapple-banana loaf cake, also headed for the freezer. Systems are failing. (PS – Do you guys have any interest in the whole freezer food game plan? Mehbeh I’ll do a little posty-post about how it’s all coming together and then a Part Deux when it all gets cooked up for countless post-baby dins and inevitably falls miserably apart. Is that … Read More
toasted walnut enchilada hummus with cilantro + lime

Oh yay! You guys are still here. Meaning my affinity for hot dogs (and a decidedly Americasian interpretation, at that) didn’t scare you away. I knew you could hang. As your reward, this week we’re talking more Superbowl-ready eats that are borderline goofy (enchilada sauce on toppa hummus? she dun lost her shit!) but silly delicious all the same. You’ll see what I mean when we get into the nitty gritty later on. And really, is it even that weird? It’s clearly not bizarre enough to warrant the gibberish I keep slapping in between all these parentheses (like this crap — which is … Read More
(party-perfect!) deviled cheese crisps + farewell 2014

Crumbly. Spicy. Almost-shortbready-but-they’re-made-with-rice-crispies-whaaaaaaa…CHEESE CRISPS!!!!! Yes. But first. There’s but a single day left in 2014 (or two? do I count today?) and I’m trapped somewhere between having too many words to share and not a clue what to write. Which, if you blog or journal or have even ever tried to write a particularly clever email to your boss, is something you’ve all experienced. (Side note: that clever email thing = really hard to pull off. And not for lack of trying, trust me…) Generic as it may sound, 2014 was a year of substantial changes in our little abode. There … Read More
“The Paleo Foodie” cookbook GIVEAWAY (and Spicy Parsnip Hummus)

{This contest is now closed. Thanks so much for your entries — and congrats to our winner, Heidi K! } Food blogging is kind of an interesting gig. And to be honest, I’ve struggled with the term “food blogger” a lot. For one, it seems we’re a dime a dozen. Even good food bloggers (I’ll use that descriptor loosely and without assumption that I do/not fit into the category) are available in abundance. There are just a lot of folks out there — a plethora, even (love that word) — who do a fine job of experiencing the world through their … Read More
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