Can we talk a minute about things I’m feeling these days? One: Pistachios. I bought this huge bag of them in the shell because we have these friends that always put out pistachios when we go to their house for dinner, and it’s super fun because it’s, like, both a snack and an activity and something to do with your hands when you’re not quite ready for that second pre-dinner beer — except for I’m currently in my own house on my zero-th beer trying to write this blog post and snack at the same time and all I want is to … Read More
herbed asian quinoa salad (vegan + gf)

You know that feeling when you drag yourself up from the depths of a particularly realistic dream only to stumble through your house like a stranger? Bathed in the buttery glow of early morning, the rooms are all the same: there’s salt in the pig, dust on the turntable. The down pillows on the sofa are dented just so (hi-YAH!) — and yet you turn down the hallway with fresh eyes, taking it all in the way you would when the light blinks green and the door swings open to a freshly turned hotel suite. It’s refreshing and disorienting and quietly intoxicating all … Read More
quinoa + chickpea tabbouleh (gf + vegan)

You guys. Parenthood is over. I just finished the Serial podcast. Vampire Diaries is getting a little off its game — even for Vampire Diaries. (But, attractive people…) And do we even want to talk about The Bachelor? This season is a freaking circus of crazies and the ring master is an unfortunately fauxhawk’d makeout slut with waaaaaay less facial hair than is necessary for the whole Iowa Farmer thing to be charming. (Also, that matte pink lipstick looks good on exactly none of you, so stop passing it around. JUSTSTOPIT. Jesus.) I think I need a detox from popular programming. Or maybe just a … Read More
Coconut Curried Sausage & Veggie Gumbo (gluten-free)

It’s Fat Tuesday tomorrow! And in case you’re curious how much restraint was required to skip calling it Phat Tuesday, well, 1) buttloads and 2) look how well that worked out. IT’S PHAT FAT TUESDAY TOMORROW! Because if fried and fatty shenanigans aren’t pretty hot and — oh yes — tempting, then I don’t know what is. (LIE. I know what is. Did you guys watch the Oscars? Jessica Biel is neither fried nor fat but girlfriend looked TASTY.) Speaking of tasty, did you happen to catch my 10 Drool-worthy Mardis Grad Recipes post on Full Circle last week? It’s … Read More
Roasted Miso-Glazed Pumpkin (vegan & gluten-free)

A few weeks ago, I tempted fate and went shopping at Costco without a grocery list. I’d say I live for cheap thrills — except flat after flat of $9 organic produce adds up reeaaal frickin’ fast. So along with my usual haul of Greek yogurt, bananas and Dave’s Killer Bread (side note: have you guys heard he’s off the wagon? Seriously so sad…) — I picked up two little tubs of organic white miso. Let the ahhhglazing begin. Troof be told, to-date my only experience with miso at home has been with those guilty little packets of instant miso … Read More
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