quinoa + chickpea tabbouleh (gf + vegan)

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa
You guys. Parenthood is over. I just finished the Serial podcast. Vampire Diaries is getting a little off its game — even for Vampire Diaries. (But, attractive people…)

And do we even want to talk about The Bachelor? This season is a freaking circus of crazies and the ring master is an unfortunately fauxhawk’d makeout slut with waaaaaay less facial hair than is necessary for the whole Iowa Farmer thing to be charming. (Also, that matte pink lipstick looks good on exactly none of you, so stop passing it around. JUSTSTOPIT. Jesus.)

I think I need a detox from popular programming. Or maybe just a detox, in general.

(I feel like here’s where I should put another picture of this salad thingyding. Isn’t it just the picture of health?
Chickpeas! Quinoas! Green stuffs! It’s exactly what should be going into your tummy when limos of drunk girls are going into your eyeballs.)

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa
OMG, you kinda like the makeout slut, don’t you?
DO YOU? But he’d be so much hotterrrrrr with a reeeeeal beeaarrrdddd….
Ugh. Let’s not even.

So honestly, I think I’ve said that recipes are “stupid easy” a time or two, but this time I weeeealllly mean it.

Step 1. Lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper → bowl.
Step 2. All of the other shit: also  bowl. (The same bowl, even. What!)
Step 3. Eat every day for a week, if so desired. (I so desired.)

See what I mean? SO easy, it’s maybe a little wrong. A little…tabooleh.
Do you get —
Do you see what I —
Because it’s almost wrong, but it’s also a riff on the classic Lebanese bulgar wheat salad, so together it’s kind of —
You know what, if I have to explain it, it’s not funny, you guys.

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa
All joking aside, this twist on a traditional tabbouleh (wheat out, quinoa and chickpeas, in) really has been my go-to lunch for the better part of a week, and it maintains its zippy vigor rather impressively over time. For that reason, alone, I can already see it being my siggy potluck dish this coming summer. But, because reasonably sweet cherry tomatoes can be found almost all year round, I can also see myself making it many times over between now and then. Yay!

And re: versatility, it’s great as a side, of course, but with a little crumbled feta cheese over the top, it’d be a pretty satisfying vegetarian supper, too. Or add it to a party spread among some other mediterranean faves and treat it like a first course. Everyone will think it’s some ritzy $8.99/lb deal from the Whole Foods salad bar — when really it’s just a can o’ beans and some change. Stupid easy and stupid cheap! Are we firing on all cylinders today, or what?


Hope you like it, peeeeeeeeeps.
Roses for all the ho’s(es)!

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa

Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa

quinoa + chickpea tabbouleh (gluten-free + vegan)
Prep time
Total time
This salad is so simple I almost feel guilty documenting it as a recipe at all. Consider doubling it as your next potluck contribution. It's a crowd-pleaser with bright, summery flavors that are accessible all year round.
Makes: 6 side servings
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes, quartered
  • ¾ cup cooked quinoa (I always use this method for cooking)
  • ¾ cup curly parsley, finely chopped
  • ¼ cup red onion, finely diced
  1. In a large bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt and pepper.
  2. Add remaining ingredients, tossing well to combine.
  3. Enjoy immediately -- or refrigerate salad and allow flavors to meld for 30 mins - overnight.
I almost exclusively use flat-leaf parsley in most recipes, but I really like the traditionally curly variety here because of its ability to better "grip" the quinoa and the vinaigrette.

Also, if you're not looking to keep this salad vegan, I love the addition of a little finely crumbled feta right over the top.
Takes only 10-mins and is perfect for lunches or potlucks! Full recipe at www.thepigandquill.com. #vegan #glutenfree #salad #recipe #quinoa


OH! before you go…

Like whatcha see here — or have a question, feedback, or recipe hack to share? Join The Pig & Quill convo by commenting below (I love, luv, lurve comments) and hang out with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. And don’t forget to subscribe to P&Q emails or add me to your RSS reader with Feedly or Bloglovin’ so you never miss a post. x’s & o’s!

"his n' hers" panna cotta (coconut cream w/ cinnamon-bourbon whip + strawberry-sesame w/ matcha whip)
friday links 01.30.15

14 Comments on “quinoa + chickpea tabbouleh (gf + vegan)”

  1. I have all of the ingredients so I will be making this today! Have you ever added in kalamata olives? They are so delicious!


    1. Yes! Kalamata olives – love them! *applause* I like it with tiny cubes of cukes, too, but if you’re gonna be hanging on to it for a few days, they leech quite a bit of water into the salad. Hope it worked out for ya – enjoy! <3

    1. So true – reality TV is an ugly bitch of a beast. But it’s also kinda car-wrecky. Can’t look at it, can’t look away… Although, I guess if these are the problems topping my list, I’m doing ok. First worldy, even. 🙂 Thanks, gal!

  2. Great idea for nada, zip, zilch wheat bulgar — good substitute cuz it keeps the nutty flavor and has a similar “mouth” feel. Yeah, you wouldn’t expect that Bachelor farmer guy to be such a whore! Guess we know what’s top of his list to make sure is there for his potential future wifey — “chemistry”! I like Britt’s looks, but, jeez, if she has to have make-up on 24/7 and if it’s true she doesn’t like to shower — what’s up with that?! But, this season, I like NO ONE — all haters, whiners, and much too superficial And, yeah, looks like they stacked the deck with crazies.

    1. Stacked the deck is right! And I was pretty good with Britt until this last episode — now they’re all questionable. When’s that man gonna grow a personality?! C’mon people.

  3. Pingback: 10 Vegan and Gluten-Free Chickpea Recipes

  4. Pingback: friday links 03.06.15 | the pig & quill

  5. Pingback: 10 Gluten-free and Vegan Chickpea Recipes

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