Shut up, it’s the thirtieth of January. A whole dang twelfth of the new year is (almost) gone! What the shit. When did that happen. I feel like I snoozed right through it.
(Also, I spelled twelfth like twelf and stared at it for at least a minute before deciding it didn’t quite look right. Who writes out that word ever? No one, that’s who. And me.)
Happenings in the piggy household this week consisted primarily of registering for gobs of baby crap I never knew existed (look at this George Jetson swingaling! I don’t want it, but I so want it.); eating all the enchilada hummus in preparation for StoopidBowl Sunday (i.e. National Get Fat on Chips Day, a completely apt description of my annual experience); and spending lots of time practicing my labor relaxation techniques a la Dr. Bradley. This includes learning how much the Pandora “relaxation” stations suck butt. So…please consider this my formal plea for relaxing music suggestions. 🙂
Ok, on with the show…
Friday links!
- What bartenders really think of your order. (I wonder what my “club soda with lime. More lime. MORE LIME.” is saying…)
- This mashup of six nearly identical country songs has been going around, and it’s all sorts of entertaining. I mean, if it ain’t broke…
- Foodess rounded up nine apps every blogger needs. I’m already Google Drive and Feedly obsessed — but CoSchedule? Color me intrigued!
- If Disney princesses had real life hair. I’m feeling those Mulan static issues so hard.
- Vogue’s 73 questions, the Victoria Beckham edition. (She never turns to show him the second pair of glasses!)
- These gorgeously sunny peach splits have me craving warm summer nights like whoa.
- I can hardly think of a reason not to eat these oniony, cheesy biscuits with every meal.
- 1) These baby bloomin’ onions kind of look like those super crunchy (and weirdly individually wrapped) sweet n’ salty Japanese rice crackers I love. 2) For that reason and/or in spite of it, I want to eat about a hundred.
- Excuse me while I pass out over the POTATO CHIPS IN THIS CAKE FROSTING.
- I’ll take both mugs of this shrimp, corn and sweet potato chowder. (Also, I can’t stop looking at the photos. Quality over quantity!)
- Pork belly pastaaaahhhhhh. I’m not even sad there’s no white rice involved. Ok, maybe a little. But hello: pasta!
- And speaking of pasta, oh haaaaai pancetta pappardelle, my eggy-pasta luvrrrr. 😉
Oh yeah, and in case that crazy tasty hummus I mentioned earlier isn’t floating your gameday boat, there’s always these Fried Hot Dog + Egg Sammies!!!
P.S. Super emo header image is the black sand (black pebble?) beach at Wai’anapanapa State Park on the Road to Hana in Maui. Seriously stunning — and great for sunning!
10 Comments on “friday links 01.30.15”
We’re glad you’ve found CoSchedule! Adding color was a definitely plus to our workflow too, so its great that you’re benefiting too! Thanks for the mention.
thanks for the link love lady!!
and um, what they hey!??! how can 1/12th of the year be gone already!!?!??!?!??!?!?!?
For serious! I can only imagine how much faster it’ll pick up once things thaw out (ok, using that term loosely here in CA…) and we bump right along into spring. Time — what a crazy goose! 🙂
You almost made me spit out my coffee – “this week consisted primarily of registering for gobs of baby crap I never knew existed”
Great list – thanks!
Oh, but Marissa it’s so true! And the saddest part is, the marketing is so damn good, I’m now convinced I require approximately ALL of it or death will become my child. Or me. Or my sanity. It makes me think I went into the wrong industry, because those folks are cleaning up!
You’ve seen the Blank Space/Style mashup, right? <3 And the Disney princess hair made me giggle too!
No, but I’m Googling it as we speak! Thanks Alice. 😉
Thanks for the pasta love!!! 🙂 Love, love, love that Foodess link! I didn’t know about a few of those, so I can’t wait to check them out. Thank you!!
Aww I’m so jelly that you made it out to Hana. I didn’t this trip :(. Also, the Disney princess hair thing is amazing. The lipgloss hair thing happens more often than I’d like. So does the bedhead, frizz head, and heck, all the others.
We did, and it was so amazing, Alana! Actually, the drive around the South side of the island on the way back was even more breathtaking and nowhere near as treacherous as rental car agencies make it sound. You’re from some pretttttty country, lady! <3