We’re down to one nap. Have we talked about this yet? We’re down to one nap. And while it’s a helluva lot easier to schedule our days around a single snooze, it’s a doozy for my personal time. And my email inbox. And the taking of photographs during (diminishing) daylight hours. Oh, and also my sanity. See again: lack of personal time. Remember the days when Lana would snooze on my boob to the tune of a Pretty Little Liars marathon? I’m pretty sure I was still too busy fuh-reaking out about new parent shit at the time to fully appreciate … Read More
cider poached pears with apple cider caramel + toasted pecans (vegan)

First, a disclaimer: I am writing this in a haze of post-Daylight Saving Time exhaustion. If you have children — particularly small children on whom the concept of “sleeping in” is completely lost, you feel my pain. Add in teething and a sudden desire to skip a third nap (despite offering every indication that a third nap is, indeed, just what the doctor ordered), and you end up somewhere close to here. Welcome to my semi-functioning, yoga-pants-as-real-pants, peanut-butter-pretzels-for-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner reality. THANK GOD FOR CARAMEL SAUCE. Caramel sauce, I have recently discovered, can be the antidote to a myriad of woes. I say … Read More
olive oil brownies with candied bacon + pecans

Hold on to yer hats, everybody. I’ve been baking again. And somehow I always choose to do so on days when it’s sweatstache weather. Or maybe it’s just always going to be sweatstache weather from here on out. Is this just how we’re going to roll for, like, always? Seriously, I feel like how The Rock looks in pretty much every F&F franchise movie (or, more accurately, every movie ever). That is: dripping with perspiration to the point where you just assume there’s a tiny person off camera whose entire job consists of soaking him down with a tiny mister … Read More
grain-free mini persimmon spice cakes (+ eggnog parfaits)

It’s Christmas Eve! Around here, that means prepping for the in-laws’ annual tamale feast and perhaps the most competitive pirate’s gift exchange that ever was. Our particular version features plenty of red wine and tequila and a particularly obscene vase that makes a comeback every year. It’s a raucous good time and one of those small things I know we’ll enjoy savoring in its current glory before things like an unfortunate floral receptacle that seriously resembles a vagina and nothing else takes a backseat to our inevitably lovely little piglet. How well do you feel like you know my family right know? I’m … Read More
Coconut-Pecan Brussie Salad with Fried Onions & Fruity Balsamic

(Update: Well, it’s true that I’m currently flying, but now I’m en route back to CA. Posting this a couple days late because I wanted to be sure you guys got a glimpse at Joel’s Oscar popcorn post in time for the big night! Happy Oscars!) Pigs are flying! And not just because you never thought that you’d see the words coconut, pecan and brussie in the same sentence. I mean, maybe you were hoping you’d never see the word brussie again after I posted two BR recipes almost back-to-back a few weeks ago…but that matters none. What matters is that … Read More
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