In case you didn’t notice, it’s almost the holidays. I swear just yesterday I was sitting on a wintry beach in Maui shoving my little Lana-belly full of fish tacos and shave ice and now she’s here chilling with us on the outside cutting her Third Freaking Tooth and outgrowing her footie PJs like she’s getting paid for it. WHAT. THE. HEDDLE. I don’t know about you guys, but when the holidays are this close in sight, I become decidedly torn about what and how to eat. On the one hand, it’s only too easy to daydream about things like … Read More
raspberry basil gingerade fizz

You guys, I don’t know about your parts, but my parts are hot. My parts meaning both of the world and, um, of my bod. My parts are hot. Lana’s parts are hot. I feel like at the conclusion of each nursing session I’m peeling us apart like a sheet of stubborn cling wrap that just is not having it. Poor little clammy kiddo. We’ve been swaddling her nekkie at night (well, diped up but no jammers) in the lightest little muslin swaddle we’ve got and she’s been getting through it like a champ. Because lemme just put it out … Read More
five spice + curried sweet corn soup

Two years ago I gave up soda and factory farmed fast-food for the New Year, and they both stuck. Aside from hippie, home-brewed ginger beer and the like, nary a pop has crossed these lips. Nor a Double Double (thank god for In n’ Out’s grilled cheese is all I have to say about that…). Or a chicken nugget. Okokok, there may have been a little c-nug situation this one time at the Denver Airport because cravings and short layovers and crippled self-control, but I sweaaaars to you, that was it. I also swear I’m not (nor was I ever) … Read More
Char-Siu Chicken Bún Bowls (gluten-free)

Before this post runs away from me, as so many of them do, I’ll just start by saying: if you’re here for the recipe, alone, I know this looks like a crapload of ingredients and steps, but I beg of you – don’t be intimidated. The allure of these bowls lies in their lovingly forgiving simplicity. And that is to say, you can do very little right with them and still do very little wrong, if you know what I’m saying. It’s a beautiful thing. And now for the detour. My love for swine is no secret — to the … Read More
Recipe: Garlic chicken with plums
Today when I woke up to gray skies and that fine, Bay Area micro-mist that’s actually quite uncommon in my neck of the woods, I knew it’d be a Dutch oven supper night. Despite my obsession with summer and my resistance to its departure, autumn brings with it all sorts of seasonal rewards, not the least of which is fiddling with my slowly growing collection of Le Creuset cookware. (Hey, homegirls gotta pay the bills.) I’ve always been a fan of slow cooking. It’s the kind of cooking that indicates you’ve got time on your hands, and that’s a luxury … Read More