Let me just say: I let my kid watch an irresponsible amount of Boss Baby so I could get this post pushed out to you guys today. Bad parenting in the name of really, really excellent cookies. These cookies came about (like most good things) mostly unintentionally. A late-night craving for our favorite (Accidentally) Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies, a pantry short on AP flour and brown sugar. We’ll make do, I figured. Some cookies are better than no cookies. And while I still maintain that to be true, the resulting cookies were…not ideal. Thick and doughy, and with all white … Read More
(You’ll Never Guess They’re) Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

Let’s talk about fears. Is it weird to kick things off that way? Here, I’ll add some bogus relevance. It’s almost Halloween: super spooky. Let’s talk about fears. Better? I’ll tell you what I’m afraid of. One thing, really, and I’m getting real vulnie putting this out there for all the internet to read/take advantage of. Ready? Creepy tiny repeating textures, mostly those occurring in nature and especially those occurring on flesh. We’re talking: beehives pores/spores/those things on the underside of ferns VOMMITTTTT aerial views of penguins en masse See also: geico guy made of money skittles chicken pox guy OMG NO … Read More
earl grey chocolate pots de creme with honeyed coconut whip

Let me tell you a story. I’ve never actually met Akiko Graham, but I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty that, in addition to being a phenomenally acclaimed ceramist, she’s an excellent human being. Generous and thoughtful and soulful and sweet. And while I’ve never met her children, either, I’d also bet she’s a pretty spectacular momma. Reminds me a bit of my own, actually. A couple of years ago I was managing communications for a renewable fuel company when the phone rang. It was an unusually cold winter in the Pacific Northwest, and the unexpected drop in … Read More
mini meyer lemon cannoli cream tartlets

You guysssszsszzz! Mother’s Day is this weekend!! Somehow that means it’s FREAKING MAY ALREADY. Yikes. And new this year: I totally get to participate in MoDay stuffies as a momma. Yikes Part 2. Or maybe Yay Part 1? Because crudsmugglers, this whole parenting thing is spectacularly spectacular in the full-blown, John Leguizamo-as-The-Magical-Sittar kind of way. It’s at once beautiful and terrifying and easier and harder than I ever imagined and the last two weeks have passed in what I can only describe as a state of quasi-hypnosis. I’ve never been more fixated on another living thing. I’ve never been more fixated on … Read More
Salted Chocolate & Pistachio Energy Bars (vegan w/ GF variation)

A few weeks ago, Chris presented me with a challenge: to create an energy snack he could take along on road and mountain bike rides that wasn’t full of weird, carby fillers or dried milk products. That wasn’t as simple as a fruit and nut bar (dammit, but those are going off like rockets right nuuuur!). That wasn’t extruded from some extrude-y machine-a-majiggy. Natch, my mind went straight to, well, brownies. (Ding!) I know I crave sugary chocolate with ferocity when I’m active. And cheesy bread and garlicky noodles and salty, soft-boiled eggs. But let’s start with chocolate. These little bars … Read More