First off, a moment of gratitude for your unwavering acceptance of my unconventional post yesterday. In a world that keeps insisting it’s reached its quota of hope, you make me happy to be human. Ok, on with the show. I’m just going to start this off by saying how disappointed I am that the eggplant emoji has taken the dirtiest of turns. Seriously, all I wanted to do the whole time I was teasing this post on social media was string together about a billion heart and hearty-eye emojis with the eggplant emoji, backwards and forwards and backwards again. But … Read More
charbroiled lemongrass chicken + tamago banh mi tacos with five spice mayo

Gonna keep things simple today because we’re off to spend a long weekend with ye’ old granfolksies and homie needs to pack up all the shit that apparently is required for a 13-lb human to function. Oh, ok — to function in style. But it’s a lot of shit, you guys. And that’s not even counting the actual, um, shit. Which is surprisingly unshitty. Wow, really getting you revved up for tacos, aren’t I? Rewind. It’s no secret I love tacos. Or even, specifically, fusion tacos. It’s also no secret I love banh mi. As Joey Tribbiani wold say, put your … Read More
Super Bowl Roundup: 20 P&Q Eats for the Big Game

Do you remember your first Super Bowl? I do. My mom and I were living in an apartment off the river, in a little one-bedroom over the manager’s office. One of my favorite pastimes was fastening a paperclip to a string, knotting it clumsily around the end of a stick and dangling it over the balcony. Time and again it’d come back up with a small note attached — or, if I was really lucky, an individually-wrapped Starburst candy, the paperclip deftly pried open and speared through the waxy pink or yellow wrapper. The little things, right? “Hey kiddo,” my … Read More
Baked Tofu Banh Mi Salad

Hey ya’ll. You’re not gonna believe this, but we’re back! Wedding month concluded yesterday with a super cute, DIY ceremony and reception that Pinterest only wished it had witnessed in the flesh. Of course I left my phone at home, so I can’t share a lick of it with you right yet, but if I can get my hand on some snaparoos, I’ll be sure to share. Suuuuuur cuuuuuurte. And now we can get on with a fall that’s nearly as full of festivities. Almost. Except guessat. I’m not ready for fall. So instead let’s keep eating salad like it’s … Read More
Baked Tofu Banh Mi with Basil Lime Aioli
I began writing this post yesterday and then decided to postpone it after just a few paragraphs. In the wake of the tragedy in Boston, food writing — no matter how close it is to my heart — just seemed…trivial. On the somewhat bright side, humans constantly amaze me: for every cruel and villainous asshole in this world, there are a dozen more folks who are loving, generous and truly admirable. I love that. So now it’s Tuesday, and I suppose it’s still worth running down a brief weekend recap, even if it is a day late. Until Monday, the … Read More