Somehow, today marks two years that I’ve been blogging here with all of you (!!), and I’m feeling rather romantic about a number of things. About the blog, yes. And also: every stitch of clothing in the latest Anthro catalogue. This sofa. Chef Sean Brock. Be still my beating heart, this is a crush I won’t be shaking any time soon. I had the chance to dine at the original Husk restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina when my mom and I embarked on our unforgettable Southern Eats birthday road trip this time last year. We arrived for lunch just as the … Read More
Pear & Fennel Salad with Blue Cheese & Balsamic

It’s a big day here at the Pig & Quill. And not just because October walloped my unsuspecting self like the Kraken taking down a ship adrift. Ok, well that’s part of it. Because wasn’t it June, like, 48 hours ago? NOPE. Try again. It wasn’t even June 48 days ago. Man, feeling like a sucka…sucks. But back to getting pumped. Today, my pretty friends, The Pig & Quill kitchen is being featured on none other than: The Kitchn! (In case you didn’t catch that, here’s the link.) I’m tempted to feel like a pretty big frickin’ deal, but it’s really … Read More
Strawberry Basilmic Ice Pops (and POPSICLE WEEK!)

Basilmic, get it?! I worked extra hard to make that one work, you guys, getting all HTMellie up in the title. That stuff takes work, I hope you know. Also, you’re welcome. So, today I’m extra excited because IT’S POPSICLE WEEK!!!!! It’s all thanks to Billy, with Wit & Vinegar, who is championing popsicles like a fat kid champions Little Debbies. Which means A) super hard and B) with contagious fat-kid enthusiasm. And if you’re wondering, Billy is not a fat kid. He’s actually a rather lean, HILARIOUS food blogger who makes all other food bloggers feel stupendously unfunny and … Read More
Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Apples, Bacon & Balsamic

Gnocchi is therapy. The mashing. The rolling. The shaping. It’s a quiet, process-oriented little task that requires just enough focus to clear the mind of its remaining clutter. Should I be throwing another load of laundry in the wash? Nope – gnocchi. If I get into work early two days next week, will it make up for a Monday out of the office? Shuttup — gnocchi. Really, does no one find it odd that all this airing of dirty laundry just happens to coincide with Emily Thorne’s arrival in the Hamp—gnocchi. See? It purges the crap, I promise you. And … Read More
Coconut-Pecan Brussie Salad with Fried Onions & Fruity Balsamic

(Update: Well, it’s true that I’m currently flying, but now I’m en route back to CA. Posting this a couple days late because I wanted to be sure you guys got a glimpse at Joel’s Oscar popcorn post in time for the big night! Happy Oscars!) Pigs are flying! And not just because you never thought that you’d see the words coconut, pecan and brussie in the same sentence. I mean, maybe you were hoping you’d never see the word brussie again after I posted two BR recipes almost back-to-back a few weeks ago…but that matters none. What matters is that … Read More
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