You guys know I’m not a baker. I mean, I can do it. I have done it. But I don’t always have patience for the precision required for true blue baking, and I’m constantly disappointed when I tinker the shit out of a recipe and then it doesn’t work out. It’s a gamble. I should know the odds. (If you can imagine, I’m not a great sport at gambling. I’ll lose $40 on slots and spend the remainder of the weekend sulking about the number of clearance t-shirts and fancy toasts I could have spent it on instead. Woe is … Read More
Orange-Pecan Sticky Buns

We’re down to one nap. Have we talked about this yet? We’re down to one nap. And while it’s a helluva lot easier to schedule our days around a single snooze, it’s a doozy for my personal time. And my email inbox. And the taking of photographs during (diminishing) daylight hours. Oh, and also my sanity. See again: lack of personal time. Remember the days when Lana would snooze on my boob to the tune of a Pretty Little Liars marathon? I’m pretty sure I was still too busy fuh-reaking out about new parent shit at the time to fully appreciate … Read More
Nectarine + Prosciutto Galettes with Gorgonzola + Thyme

This post was supposed to be published two days ago, but I’ve been spending my evenings shopping online for tutus. Talk about a rabbit hole. I’m down it so far, I’m thinking it’d be shorter dig my way out through China. Which wouldn’t be the worst idea, since that’s where about 100% of tutus you can buy online are made. Also iPhone 7 cases. But that’s a hole nother story. (Yes, I’m laughing out loud at myself.) In a move I was almost certain we’d never make, we signed Lana up for ballet this week. To be clear: I have nothing against … Read More
Triple Coconut Tres Leches Cake with Honey-Vanilla Summer Fruit (DF/GF)

Alanna (The Bojon Gourmet) and I met when I was just baaaaarely pregnant — those first days when you’re still wincing at sneezes and consulting your sustainable seafood app for fear of mercury poisoning at every turn. Both of us being only somewhat formally employed at the time (note: if you’ve read the tale behind the name of her blog, you’ll know she takes no offense to this; note-within-a-note: she is now a bonafide cookbook author!!! while I am still…whatever the hell I am…), we met up for a weekday brunch at Plow where I promptly broke out into a cold sweat … Read More
blueberry key lime cheesecake tart with gingersnap crust

Hi guys! Just a quick one this week because the long weekend beckons! Around here, that means firing up the grill, strolling the streets of the Peninsula’s many charming downtowns and farmer’s marketing until we can’t take it any more. We’re also keeping up the tradition of mixing a little Ohio into our 4th of July weekend — although this year, Ohio is coming to us in the form of my bestie, Amanda. It’ll be her first time snuggling the bug in person and I have a feeling seeing two of my favorite people ever meet face to face will have this … Read More