Hold on to yer hats, everybody. I’ve been baking again. And somehow I always choose to do so on days when it’s sweatstache weather. Or maybe it’s just always going to be sweatstache weather from here on out. Is this just how we’re going to roll for, like, always? Seriously, I feel like how The Rock looks in pretty much every F&F franchise movie (or, more accurately, every movie ever). That is: dripping with perspiration to the point where you just assume there’s a tiny person off camera whose entire job consists of soaking him down with a tiny mister … Read More
ultimate summer blt bowls

Hey guys! Happy Friday! This week has been so much fun. On Monday, I stepped in front of the camera for a change in the name of a new gig that’s probably going to elicit aaaallll the face-palm monkeys ever. (Yes, I know they’re not really face-palming…) On Tuesday, the Bestie from Sac came to spend some time with little Lana before she’s suddenly bigger than the both of us and all sassy pants all the time. We shopped and sipped and inhaled Whole Foods’ vegan donuts, which I think might be the only items worth their weight in the … Read More
tomato-bacon bisque + apple-bacon grilled cheese | two red bowls guest post

Today I’m beyond elated to have Cynthia from Two Red Bowls generously pinch-hitting for me while I gorge myself on baby Lana cuddles (ok – more like baby Lana feeding. after feeding. aaaaafter feeding. someone takes after her momma…). I’ve adored Cynthia’s culinary creativity (these biscuits + Chinese sausage gravy! this SPAMmy budae jjigae! those pineapple buns!) and distinctively styled photography since shortly after I joined the blogosphere, and her warm heart and sincere voice always keep me coming back to her space time and again. She’s truly an inspiration! If you don’t already follow Cynthia (you silly duck, you…), I implore you to … Read More
french lentil soup with kale + bacon and waffled scamorza “en carroza”

Aloha from Maui! We’re babymooning this week (holy almost 26 weeks — where do the months go?) and falling quickly in love with everything the island has to offer. So while the rest of the country is contending with the plight of the season, we’re wallowing in the misery of cool ocean breezes and more shave ice than is probably healthy. I might just birth a walking sno-cone. Nobody act surprised. Also, to those of you facing said plight: I’m sorry. If it makes you feel at all better, I’ve seen plenty of your neighbors getting their serious burn on, and it doesn’t look … Read More
fennel-spiced turkey + bacon breakfast sausage with crispy parmesan home fries

In case you missed it, we’re having a babes. A babes! After years of wanting this, we’re excited, of course. But we — or maybe I should just say I — am also a little…lost with how to feel. And that, in itself, feels more than a little confusing. Chris is full of pure elation and joy and anticipation, his eyes literally alight in a way they’ve never been before as he imagines our new little life with this new little love and all the overwhelming emotion that will surely accompany the growth of our family. And while I have warm-fuzzies … Read More