Greetings from Boston, friends! I just flew in from California and BOY are my arms tired. Is that still a thing? Seriously though, I’m but five hours off the plane and I can already admit to suffering from some serious jetlag. Except, it’s the kind of jetlag that hits you before you swap time zones. Before you boarded the plane. Alrite alrite, before you even checked for the third time that, yes, you packed your charger and yes, the garage door is closed – and wait, should I bring a scarf for the plane? you know how cold I get … Read More
Roasted Beet and Fennel Burgers (veg, gluten-free, grain-free, paleo)
Whoa. Check out them lookers. (Also, check out my mom’s vintage sewing table-turned-sideboard.) (And the rih-dic light in her dining room.) (And my clear lack of something to filter all that pretty light.) (But it is oh so pretty.) (K, I’m done now.) Let’s talk about beets, bay. bee. Sweet, nutty and blitzed with licorice-y fennel, warm, worldy spices, piquant salsa and just a dribble of sunshiny honey. AND NUTS. Can we also talk about how there are so many toasty little nut bits going on in here? There are. And it (they?) makes for a patty that is damn near … Read More
Creamy Eggs with Garlicky Greens, Avocado & Chili Oil
You’re so lucky, guys. I’ve got a snap-ton of snazzy stuff headed your way in the weeks to come, like more infused, fruity drinks (since you were kinda bananas for the last one), a pair of pretty, spring soups that will make quick work of all those CSA veggies, and even a CAKE. Yeah, cake stuffs happened and I lived to tell about it. And I totally didn’t drop my favorite ceramic measuring spoon down the running garbage disposal in the process. (No really, I didn’t. But that’s a very real fear of mine. Like, I imagine it happening nearly every time … Read More
Guest Postin’ and Avocado Toastin’
Still on the road squeezin’ babies in MN this week, so my cousin Joel (remember him?) is kindly providing a sassy post in my place this weekend. Go figure he’d write up one of the trendiest items in the foodie and food blogger scene. Dang kids are just so ON IT these days. I can’t keep up, dadgummit. Anyway, enjoy — and see you all soon! —————————————————————————————————————– Hey all, it’s another guest post! Em’s outta town for the week, so you’re stuck with me: Em’s younger, infinitely less cool cousin, Joel. [Editor’s note: pshaw right.] Since I’m pretty unimaginative (read … Read More
Spinach & Quinoa Cake with Curried Avocado Cream (gluten-free)
We have friends in town this weekend. And you know what friends in town means. Swiffering the hair off the bathroom floor. And also: brunch! Now that we’ve awkwardly linked hair and food and I’ve lost a good number of readers, let’s the rest of us delve a little more into the brunch thing. From my (clearly very chaotic) point of view, brunch is the king of mealtimes for a numbers of reasons. A) It’s a hybrid word. Maybe the first ever. In fact, yes, I’m pretty sure linguistic anthropologists would tell you that back in the day, like when … Read More