Back-to-back bevvies!? I know. But I can explain. Onesies: I’m just not ready to give up on summer, ya ol’ gal. And twosies: it’s mah berfday! Ok ok, it’s not my birthday, but it’s this ‘ere blog’s birthday, and that calls for something you can clink in a glass. Are we still kinda stuck on ya ol’ gal? I know. It was a weird thing to say. Like, something that only a Kristen Wiig character could pull off speaking out loud, but what’s done is done. YA OL’ GAL. You think I’m going to work that in a bunch more times before … Read More
Gazpacho Andaluz with Smoked Paprika-Glazed Almonds

Note: Before you lose interest amidst all my BS, let me get straight to the punchline: share a fruit or veggie selfie using the #DrinkGoodDoGood hashtag on social media, and Naked Juice will donate 10 lbs of produce to communities in need. It’s so easy, you guys. And you love selfies. YOU LOVE THEM. K, back at it… Clean undies. Bubbly water. Freedom. Oh hi there. Today we’re listing things I take for granted. How about: fresh produce? Seriously. While I’ve been known to snobbishly scoff at Trader Joe’s overpackaged stone fruit or dimpled avocados, the truth is, for most … Read More
Chile-Lime Coconut Mango Pops

Hey guys! Little known fact: I am only capable of starting posts with hey guyssss. They are literally the first two words that pop out every time I open a new draft. And then, like, 64% of the time I come back to the top and force a new opener. Or just add a bunch of sssssssss’s. Or swap in a super original spelling of hey. I’m kinda digging haaaaaaiii but sometimes heyyo slips out, too. Hihihi! Hehwoooooooh. Heyeyeyeye. Hajjjjaieyeewwww. I’m drinking $4 wine. Hey guysssssss. Anyway, these popsicles are so super simple that they leave me with almost nothing to drone … Read More
mexican chocolate crème brûlèe (vegan)

Hi guys! Hope all you ‘Mericans out there had a crackin’ holiday weekend. We took Miss Bug up to the lake for the first time and it was one of the most joyful weekends I can recount. Just a small group of good friends (we even flew the Ohio bestie out!), big dinners at home, plenty of time taking in Tahoe’s sweet sugar-pine air — running, hiking, biking, beaching — and even a few tan lines to show for it. Somehow, I’m always caught off guard by the Hot As Shit sand and the Cold As Shit water in Tahoe, but when … Read More
Pigtales 03: Feeding the Babe (Plus Vegan Coconut Waffles and Overnight Chia Pudding)

Pigtales is a glimpse at the going-ons that take place (mostly) outside of the P&Q kitchen. Baby stuffs, things I love, general musings and other tales from my life as a momma, wife and semi-professional goofball. Disclaimer: You know I’m awful at keeping things short. When we were first transitioning Lana to solids, I remember feeling wholly and completely overwhelmed. Moreso than I anticipated, to be sure. Moreso, maybe even, than I felt when we were first finding our way with nursing, which was not without its own struggles. But with nursing, I kept coming back to the idea that I was … Read More