Hello from the land of Still Avoiding the Ice Cream Truck. Is summer over yet? JK. Sorta. Lana is down to her last two weeks of preschool before a monthlong break, so in a sense, summer in our house is just about to get started. I’ve been not-so-subtly hinting to Chris that we should use this time to get outta dodge — preferably somewhere with both an on-site spa and swimming pool — while simultaneously reminding myself that we live smack in the midst of a vacation destination and the simpler (ahem, more affordable) thing to do would be to stay … Read More
Honey Hibiscus Tea Popsicles

Last week, Chris took the car-with-the-carseat to the shop for routine maintenance. Sans vehicle, Lana and I were determined to make the most of our new neighborhood, which is close to all that this little seaside town offers: coffee shops galore, our favorite lunch spot (the hen of the woods sandwich, my worddd), the library, playgrounds big and small, the bourgeois grocery store, the decidedly un-bourgeois grocery store — and my personal fave: THE BEACH. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how this day went. It was, let’s say, challenging. Remember when I published that lovely post last … Read More
Endless Summer Noodle Bowls: Miso Butter Linguine with Sweet Corn, Snap Peas + Summer Sausage

And just like that, it’s 2018. We’ve made some modifications to how we eat in the New Year. For some reason, “resolutions” related to what I put in my body are about the only kind that stick. I know it’s easy to look down your nose at such clichés, but if I make them attainable enough (small enough, simple enough), I can convince myself to commit them to habit. Six or seven years ago I gave up soda. (Not that I drank much of it, but fewer things go better with Mexican food than icy Coke.) A year or two … Read More
Honey-Lime Watermelon Floats

It’s October. Or as Lana has taken to saying, “it’s almost Halloweeeeeeeen tiiiiiiiiime!” (Followed, always, by “the scary guys are just pretend, Mom. The scary guys are just pretend.” Thank you, sweet babe.) So here we are, officially entering into that love/hate time of year where, for procrastinators like me, shit either happens RIGHTTHISMINUTE or gets nudged happily into “early Q1 // happy face // talk soon!,” which would almost explain why I’m pushing a fruity summer float when pumpkins should be springing outta my bum. But as much as this post is, indeed, about my procrastination (as in, I … Read More
4-Ingredient Rolled Sugar Cookies (Egg-Free)

Thank you Bob’s Red Mill for sponsoring this post. Create a care package for a loved one today and don’t forget to include some baked goods made with Bob’s Red Mill products. To save $1 on any Bob’s Red Mill product, click here. When I left Ohio to move back to California seven years ago, I was mostly elated. I had just spent (what I then thought were) the toughest months of my life living alone in a cornfield-adjacent condo, holding down our Midwestern fort while Chris established a shiny new career 2500 miles away. Without the funds to pay … Read More