Oh haaaaaay there. Did you miss me? I took last week off to try my hand at being a Professional Boob Sweat Wiper Offer. And guess what? I nailed it. I’d go into detail, but I have a feeling you’ve already got a pretty rockin’ image going on. Plus, my fellow California gals Lily and Gina waxed far more poetic about the recent heat wave than I could ever hope, so I’ll encourage you to head in their direction(s) if you’ve not already. Bottom line: shit’s been hot. This week, however, we’ve seen a slight respite. As in, Lana even … Read More
earl grey chocolate pots de creme with honeyed coconut whip
Let me tell you a story. I’ve never actually met Akiko Graham, but I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty that, in addition to being a phenomenally acclaimed ceramist, she’s an excellent human being. Generous and thoughtful and soulful and sweet. And while I’ve never met her children, either, I’d also bet she’s a pretty spectacular momma. Reminds me a bit of my own, actually. A couple of years ago I was managing communications for a renewable fuel company when the phone rang. It was an unusually cold winter in the Pacific Northwest, and the unexpected drop in … Read More
Power Pie Smoothie (aka Jetpack in a Glass, kah-blammo!)
Earlier this summer I turned 30. I think we talked about it. In fact, I’m pretty sure I promised you at least a post or two recapping all the celebrating (read: championship face-stuffing) we did in New York. This. IsNotOneOfThosePosts. No, sadly for you, this post is a little whinier. Don’t act surprised. Or maybe do act surprised. (Whining, who me?) The bottom line is this: I am now the glorious age of 30, and for my thirtieth birthday — and with my own crazy-lady blessing — I have been gifted with… …a half-marathon. W-T-F you G-U-Ys. How did I … Read More
Berry Tropical Sunrise Smoothie (guest starring: carrots!)
I smell Chinese food. No, not like the dead people thing. Like I am currently smelling Chinese food, and it’s driving me insane. One, because Chris is sitting across from me wolfing down white corn tortilla chips, which in no way can or should smell like Chinese food. And two, because I’m fairly certain I’ll begin gnawing on the Pottery Barn catalog if a platter of black bean chow fun does not find its way into my face in the next 60 seconds. Perhaps I’m being just a touch dramatic. And now I’m hardly sure where to go from here. … Read More