This morning I woke up certain that I was still dreaming. A glimpse outside revealed a slate sky heavy with anticipation, a thick-striped greenbelt under the window screaming words like verdant and lush that have become few and far between on the West Coast. And then: the staticky buzz of cicadas, audible even over the light hum of the outer belt. Ah, yes. The midwest. Again. It’s no dream. More years ago than I care to count, Chris and I packed up our tiny college apartment just outside of downtown San Luis Obispo and dove (or rather drove) into a … Read More
Pear & Fennel Salad with Blue Cheese & Balsamic

It’s a big day here at the Pig & Quill. And not just because October walloped my unsuspecting self like the Kraken taking down a ship adrift. Ok, well that’s part of it. Because wasn’t it June, like, 48 hours ago? NOPE. Try again. It wasn’t even June 48 days ago. Man, feeling like a sucka…sucks. But back to getting pumped. Today, my pretty friends, The Pig & Quill kitchen is being featured on none other than: The Kitchn! (In case you didn’t catch that, here’s the link.) I’m tempted to feel like a pretty big frickin’ deal, but it’s really … Read More
Strawberry Basilmic Ice Pops (and POPSICLE WEEK!)

Basilmic, get it?! I worked extra hard to make that one work, you guys, getting all HTMellie up in the title. That stuff takes work, I hope you know. Also, you’re welcome. So, today I’m extra excited because IT’S POPSICLE WEEK!!!!! It’s all thanks to Billy, with Wit & Vinegar, who is championing popsicles like a fat kid champions Little Debbies. Which means A) super hard and B) with contagious fat-kid enthusiasm. And if you’re wondering, Billy is not a fat kid. He’s actually a rather lean, HILARIOUS food blogger who makes all other food bloggers feel stupendously unfunny and … Read More