Let’s talk about how I just spent almost half an hour trying to pinpoint the crackling sound coming from the freezer only to realize it’s coming from a wood-wick candle I left burning on the bathroom counter. And now my kitchen is littered with frozen food and I get to play my favorite-ever freezer game “hide the banana(s).” Except it’s not nearly as fun or dirty as it sounds and more like I really, really need to make banana bread some time in 2015. Yikes. A. Bee. Now (Bachelor spoiler) let’s talk about how Farmbeezy Chreezy almost totally redeemed himself this week by … Read More
spicy pineapple + parsley salad with avocado + chilies

Greetings from Boston, friends! I just flew in from California and BOY are my arms tired. Is that still a thing? Seriously though, I’m but five hours off the plane and I can already admit to suffering from some serious jetlag. Except, it’s the kind of jetlag that hits you before you swap time zones. Before you boarded the plane. Alrite alrite, before you even checked for the third time that, yes, you packed your charger and yes, the garage door is closed – and wait, should I bring a scarf for the plane? you know how cold I get … Read More
Roasted Rhubarb & Strawberry Compote

Oh what’s up, dudesies. Fancy seeing you here. I thought you might have flown the coop since it’s been all crickets and cobwebs up in these parts lately. And by these parts I mean the blog. This blog. Not those parts. Oh dear, and now we’re talking about cobwebby parts when we should be talking about just about anything else. Like the impressive flip-flop tan I accrued last week. See, the Inland Empire is hot as farts. Sunshiny, too. And a literal hotspot of boutiquey fruit vendors tempting passersby with baskets of red, sun-warmed berries and candy sweet stone fruit. Squishy … Read More
Classic Acai Bowls (vegan & gluten-free)

Classic Açaí Bowls — a sweet-tart açaí smoothie topped with fresh fruit, granola, coconut and honey, these vegan açaí bowls taste of vacation but are surprisingly easy to make at home. These vegan açaí bowls, you guys. So hot right now. If you live in a beach town or some kefir-drinking granola ‘hood, you know what I mean. Or maybe if you’re, like, Brazilian, or something. In which case, please tell me: why are roughly ALL% of the world’s supermodels Brazilian? Are the Brazilian people really all that statuesque and sultry and smoldering and other S words that make me … Read More
It’s a Share the Love Cuisinart GIVEAWAY! (And “Strawberry Milk” Icebox Pie)

Update: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Dudesies, it’s Valentine’s Day! And in honor of this, the most romantical of holidays, I felt like I needed, well, more than words…to show I feel…that my love for you is real. (Too…Extreme? Ha. Just me? Shocking.) But seriously you guys: I’ve joined nine of my blogger buds to Share the Love by giving one lucky reader an incredible 14-Cup Cuisinart Food Processor! And it couldn’t be easier to enter! In case you didn’t get that, alls ya gotta do is CLICK HERE to enter through Rafflecopter between February … Read More
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