Hawaiian Hummus Toast — sweet, fluffy Hawaiian bread topped with creamy hummus, kimchi cucumbers, caramelized SPAM and pickled scallions. You’ll never look at hummus the same way again. This post is sponsored by Sabra. As usual, all thoughts and opinions are my own. A few weeks ago, I popped out to Colorado again to join Kelly and the rest of the ladies of #TeamNosh for our first-ever retreat. I’ve talked about it a little here and there, but it was such a joy (and if we’re being honest, a little bit of a rush) being around women who you’ve befriended only virtually — … Read More
spicy caramelized spam + scallion pasta

You know those foods you can’t help but eat on repeat? Those (often pantry-based) dishes that you come back to again and again, even when the fridge is freshly stocked and the cooler weather is begging you to finally crank the oven and get creative? If you know me, you know I’m talking hot dog sammiches, breakfast for dinner, stick-to-your ribs soup. Yes, soup. Even in the summer I can’t get enough. And this pasta. You guysssss, I can’t oversell this pasta enough — and trust me, I’m about to try. It’s fast, simple and positively addictive. Topped generously with furikake, … Read More
Hawaiian Street Corn with SPAM + Pineapple (gluten-free)

Hey guys, and welcome to Day Two of Street Corn Two Ways. It’s a pretty efficient series. Yesterday, we started things off with this classic Mexican Street Corn thingy and today we’re wrappin’ it on up with an islandy (I guess? For lack of better descriptor?) spin that’s sweet and salty and soy-y and scallion-y and best of all bests — SPAMMY. *contented sigh* SPAM is, no joke, one of my most favorite food groups ever. Like, remember that time I was like, “out with factory farmed meat!” Um, canni tell you a secret? I never ditched the SPAM. (Shhhhhhhhhh, fancy … Read More
Summer Street Corn Two Ways (gluten-free)

Ok guys. Here it is: the post (or rather, posts) that’s officially gonna take your “waaaaaah it’s already August, Poopiecakes McBacktoschool” and turn it into “it’s peak sweet corn season beeeyahs, mah summer’s juuuuuuust getting started!!” Because a summer without corn is just pool hair and ReddiWip. Ear cuffs and Dippin’ Dots. Rollerblades and boy bands. Oh, sorry, thought we were listing our fave childhood shit. Are you still there? The shameful thing is that corn actually isn’t all that commonplace in our house, even when it’s at the peak of candy-sweet, 10-for-a-dolla awesomeness. The simplest explanation would be that Chris … Read More