Bonus Post: Fresh Pineapple Shortcakes with Raspberry Sorbet (and a P&Q birthday)

One year, 126 posts and a whole lot of random lingo. Lango. Lingo-lango. It’s been a ride. Tremendous thanks to everyone who’s dropped in on my little corner of the innerweb, and especially to those who have hung around for more than a post or two. I know it’s gets weird sometimes, you guys. You’re troopers for sticking it out. Here’s to another year of pigging, quilling and nonsensical kitsch. Let’s stick a candle in this B and celebrate, shall we? So much love, Em (P.S. Oh yeah – the recipe. Vanilla-scented pineapple, tart sorbet and toasty, multi-grain shortcake. Berfday … Read More

Snap Pea, Parmesan & Bacon Salad with Dijon Dressing

Evening friends. Quick post tonight as I want to save a few things for a bonus post I’ll be putting up later in the weekend. A little sunt’n sunt’n about a certain blog turning one. We might even light a candle, but let’s not get ahead of things. This week has been, in a word, flaughghg. I’ve been operating in a bit of a fog, attempting to nurse myself back to health with a winning mixture of green juice, Emergen-C and DayQuil, but only after a trip to the doc and a five-day stint of antibiotics am I finally starting … Read More

Simple Summer Fried Rice w/ Chinese Sausage

I might have said something on Facebook about posting my Saturday post on Sunday. And that might have been a lie. I might have skipped it altogether. I blame jetlag. And cookie chips, because they’re habit-forming and caused me to spend half of Sunday rocking in a corner fiending, which, by the way, does not make for productive blogging. Also: Newsroom. The characters on that show are so damn sharp! I like to tell myself that not everyone follows their quick dialogue like I do. That not everyone appreciates the conversations within conversations. That not everyone feels my deep, personal … Read More

Strawberry Basilmic Ice Pops (and POPSICLE WEEK!)

Basilmic, get it?! I worked extra hard to make that one work, you guys, getting all HTMellie up in the title. That stuff takes work, I hope you know. Also, you’re welcome. So, today I’m extra excited because IT’S POPSICLE WEEK!!!!! It’s all thanks to Billy, with Wit & Vinegar, who is championing popsicles like a fat kid champions Little Debbies. Which means A) super hard and B) with contagious fat-kid enthusiasm. And if you’re wondering, Billy is not a fat kid. He’s actually a rather lean, HILARIOUS food blogger who makes all other food bloggers feel stupendously unfunny and … Read More

Roasted Turkey Meatballs w/ Cranberry-Mustard Sauce

Posting from the road, as promised — and on a full stomach, no less. Would you believe Ma and I have just had one of the tastiest meals on our Southern road trip at a little vegan diner in Chattanooga’s Northshore neighborhood? Potstickers, collard greens and some of the most delightfully textural breaded and grilled tofu (+ veggies + sweet chili sauce + herbs, peanuts and brown rice!) I’ve ever laid teeth on. Plus plenty of local breakfast recommendations to wash everything down. Methinks I love Chattanooga. Ok, well, to be fair, methinks I love Tennessee. Because Nashville is overflowing … Read More