Coconut-Zucchini Sugar Cakies {vegan}

I will be the first to admit that I don’t like cakey cookies. A chewy cookie I can tolerate, and that’s something that’s only grown on me in the past 10 years or so. (College really forces you to get un-picky about the types of cookies that show up in your care packages. I mean, my mom was all over the crisp, crunchy cookie thing, but some of my dorm-mates mom’s weren’t as savvy. We made do.) But every now and then you stumble on something that changes your point of view completely. Maybe it’s a YA novel that brings … Read More

Power Pie Smoothie (aka Jetpack in a Glass, kah-blammo!)

Earlier this summer I turned 30. I think we talked about it. In fact, I’m pretty sure I promised you at least a post or two recapping all the celebrating (read: championship face-stuffing) we did in New York. This. IsNotOneOfThosePosts. No, sadly for you, this post is a little whinier. Don’t act surprised. Or maybe do act surprised. (Whining, who me?) The bottom line is this: I am now the glorious age of 30, and for my thirtieth birthday — and with my own crazy-lady blessing — I have been gifted with… …a half-marathon. W-T-F you G-U-Ys. How did I … Read More

Greek Yogurt Breakfast Bowl (featuring anniversaries…and prison)

Chris and I celebrated our third anniversary this week. We dined at the lovely Dixie in the Presidio, enjoyed plenty of wine and defrosted the wedding cake we were supposed to eat two years ago. (It can only get luckier with age, right?) Before dinner, we strolled through the Marina, coffees in hand, tallying aloud all the tanned girls in yoga pants and brainstorming how we’d one day turn our little house into the home of our dreams. I was smitten. I am smitten. It was a perfect reminder that those two gloriously joyful people that committed themselves to figuring … Read More

Berry Tropical Sunrise Smoothie (guest starring: carrots!)

I smell Chinese food. No, not like the dead people thing. Like I am currently smelling Chinese food, and it’s driving me insane. One, because Chris is sitting across from me wolfing down white corn tortilla chips, which in no way can or should smell like Chinese food. And two, because I’m fairly certain I’ll begin gnawing on the Pottery Barn catalog if a platter of black bean chow fun does not find its way into my face in the next 60 seconds. Perhaps I’m being just a touch dramatic. And now I’m hardly sure where to go from here. … Read More

Gorgonzola Grilled Plums with Maple Syrup & Chilies

Sometimes there are those evenings when all you want to do is rip open a bag of chips, pour them into a bowl and grab a spoon. Sometimes the spoon is totally optional. (Duh, who eats chips with a spoon?) Sometimes you find yourself with crumbies all up in the micro-knit of the corporate polo you’re wearing. Always you fear what will happen if hubby learns just how many of those crumbies ended up on the couch. Maybe you got down real close and carefully removed each little piece of evidence with the tip of your tongue. Maybe you didn’t. No … Read More