I can already tell that this winter is going to be about DUCK FAT IN ALL THE THINGS. If you’re a veggie-terry-an or a vegan or a fish-a-whateveran, feel free to read that as OLIVE OIL IN ALL THE THINGS. Just know your tastebuds are getting royally ripped off. Because le fat of le duck is le bombdiggidamndamn. (Would you believe I almost considered going into technical writing in college? True story. Something about wanting a paycheck.) Per the usj, for this Thanksgiving’s brunch we ditched the turkey (figuring everyone heads off to a turkey household for dinner) and opted … Read More
Parmesan-Ricotta Spaghetti Squash Fritters with Crispy Fried Sage

Parmesan-Ricotta Spaghetti Squash Fritters with Crispy Fried Sage – the ideal pairing of creamy and crispy cheese, sweet spaghetti squash and nutty, toasted sage. Autumnal bliss. When we lived in San Luis Obispo — that is, a near lifetime ago, full of workdays ending at 4pm, leisurely evening bike rides and long morning strolls through the quaintest of downtowns (remind me why we left again?) — one of our favorite lazy Saturdays was a drive through the hills of south county, taking the seemingly less-traveled backroads past horse farms and vineyards, through sun-shattered corridors of black oaks, all the way to Pismo … Read More
Summer Street Corn Two Ways (gluten-free)

Ok guys. Here it is: the post (or rather, posts) that’s officially gonna take your “waaaaaah it’s already August, Poopiecakes McBacktoschool” and turn it into “it’s peak sweet corn season beeeyahs, mah summer’s juuuuuuust getting started!!” Because a summer without corn is just pool hair and ReddiWip. Ear cuffs and Dippin’ Dots. Rollerblades and boy bands. Oh, sorry, thought we were listing our fave childhood shit. Are you still there? The shameful thing is that corn actually isn’t all that commonplace in our house, even when it’s at the peak of candy-sweet, 10-for-a-dolla awesomeness. The simplest explanation would be that Chris … Read More
Creamy Baked Eggs with Chimichurri (Christmas Eggs! w/ gf option)

This week has been a whirlwind. I’d point out my lack of posting, but perhaps you’ve already noticed? We learned a few days ago that Chris will be starting a new job in two weeks (he’s such a smartie!), we’re toying with the idea of moving (locally, but is moving ever easy?) — and after months of anticipation research, we finally sealed the deal on some new wheels for this little lady. Which begs the question: where was this heated steering wheel thing when I was driving to work in Level 3 snow emergencies a few years ago? Or 4WD, … Read More
Snap Pea, Parmesan & Bacon Salad with Dijon Dressing

Evening friends. Quick post tonight as I want to save a few things for a bonus post I’ll be putting up later in the weekend. A little sunt’n sunt’n about a certain blog turning one. We might even light a candle, but let’s not get ahead of things. This week has been, in a word, flaughghg. I’ve been operating in a bit of a fog, attempting to nurse myself back to health with a winning mixture of green juice, Emergen-C and DayQuil, but only after a trip to the doc and a five-day stint of antibiotics am I finally starting … Read More