Hola mis amigos, and welcome to Trading Spaces — the food blog edition! I’m over on Sprouted Routes today sharing the recipe for my (dairy-free, grain-free, refined sugar-free) Mini Sweet Potato Soufflés with Pecan Pie Streusel — so naturally, the lady behind Sprouted Routes, herself, Miss Liz Moody, is hanging out here and talking ’bout stuffing stuffs just in time for Thanksgiving – yay! Like many modern friendships, Liz and I met on the interwebs, and it was love at first ‘gram. In addition to being pretty dang talented with a camera, she’s a pro at eating well on the road (hello, … Read More
duck fat-roasted potato + wilted kale salad with miso-mustard dressing (gluten-free)
I can already tell that this winter is going to be about DUCK FAT IN ALL THE THINGS. If you’re a veggie-terry-an or a vegan or a fish-a-whateveran, feel free to read that as OLIVE OIL IN ALL THE THINGS. Just know your tastebuds are getting royally ripped off. Because le fat of le duck is le bombdiggidamndamn. (Would you believe I almost considered going into technical writing in college? True story. Something about wanting a paycheck.) Per the usj, for this Thanksgiving’s brunch we ditched the turkey (figuring everyone heads off to a turkey household for dinner) and opted … Read More
Creamy Eggs with Garlicky Greens, Avocado & Chili Oil
You’re so lucky, guys. I’ve got a snap-ton of snazzy stuff headed your way in the weeks to come, like more infused, fruity drinks (since you were kinda bananas for the last one), a pair of pretty, spring soups that will make quick work of all those CSA veggies, and even a CAKE. Yeah, cake stuffs happened and I lived to tell about it. And I totally didn’t drop my favorite ceramic measuring spoon down the running garbage disposal in the process. (No really, I didn’t. But that’s a very real fear of mine. Like, I imagine it happening nearly every time … Read More
Gorgonzola Grilled Plums with Maple Syrup & Chilies
Sometimes there are those evenings when all you want to do is rip open a bag of chips, pour them into a bowl and grab a spoon. Sometimes the spoon is totally optional. (Duh, who eats chips with a spoon?) Sometimes you find yourself with crumbies all up in the micro-knit of the corporate polo you’re wearing. Always you fear what will happen if hubby learns just how many of those crumbies ended up on the couch. Maybe you got down real close and carefully removed each little piece of evidence with the tip of your tongue. Maybe you didn’t. No … Read More
Coconut Curry Cod with Kale & Carrots
The people have spoken. Thanks for the comments following yesterday’s prompting, friends. This week has been a bit of a downer with me and Chris both fighting a bug (dontbethefludontbethefludontbetheflu) and a little reader interaction was just what I needed to get back into the groove. And potato chips. Uncommonly-balanced diet be damned! When phlegm attacks, there are only three things I want: The saltiest, crunchiest potato chip one can find. Aggressively carbonated soda. Vernor’s in a can is usually my first choice. In an attempt to remain somewhat healthy, this round I went with Hansen’s Natural club soda. It’s … Read More
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