Hawaiian Hummus Toast — sweet, fluffy Hawaiian bread topped with creamy hummus, kimchi cucumbers, caramelized SPAM and pickled scallions. You’ll never look at hummus the same way again. This post is sponsored by Sabra. As usual, all thoughts and opinions are my own. A few weeks ago, I popped out to Colorado again to join Kelly and the rest of the ladies of #TeamNosh for our first-ever retreat. I’ve talked about it a little here and there, but it was such a joy (and if we’re being honest, a little bit of a rush) being around women who you’ve befriended only virtually — … Read More
creamy white miso + cauliflower soup with candied furikake prosciutto + garlic chive oil

The way I see it, there are two kinds of people in this world: those who enjoy having a mirror directly across from their glass-enclosed shower, and those who do not. And it’s simple. You don’t need any Myers Briggs BS to tell you which camp you’d fit into. Hell, you don’t even need to actually have a mirror directly across from a glass-enclosed shower to determine on which side of the line you fall. Just thinking about it right now, you already know. See? I’ll give you one guess which group I’m finding myself in these days. I don’t know that it has … Read More
spicy caramelized spam + scallion pasta

You know those foods you can’t help but eat on repeat? Those (often pantry-based) dishes that you come back to again and again, even when the fridge is freshly stocked and the cooler weather is begging you to finally crank the oven and get creative? If you know me, you know I’m talking hot dog sammiches, breakfast for dinner, stick-to-your ribs soup. Yes, soup. Even in the summer I can’t get enough. And this pasta. You guysssss, I can’t oversell this pasta enough — and trust me, I’m about to try. It’s fast, simple and positively addictive. Topped generously with furikake, … Read More
mochiko chicken tacos with tangy umeboshi mayo

The diapers have been ordered. The hospital bag has been packed (and repacked). The freezer, as you well know by now, is at capacity. Dare I say we’re ready? It’s incredible, really, the things you can find to pass the time when it seems any moment could be the last moment that you’re this exact person. You know, before you become that person — that next iteration of yourself that is somehow you and yet not at all you because suddenly there exists a tiny little bugaboo of a human that only knows this new you and nothing else. Rambling incoherently to a questionable quantity … Read More
fried hot dog + egg sammies with sriracha + shoyu mayo

I don’t think I’ve expressed it here before, but I love hot dogs. And it’s not even the Weirdo Preggers Em talking. Just Weirdo Normal Em. (*waves*) We (me and hot dogs) should totally sit in a tree and make out super hard. I <3 them in macaroni + cheese. On top of instant ramen. Smashed into a sandwich with a slice of melting American cheese, or dressed up for the street in bacon, mayo and fajita veggies. Shit is legit tasty. I like ’em best with a snappy skin. (Detour: the Weiner Circle in Chicago boasts the snappiest dogs and even … Read More
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