A couple months ago, I was chatting with Emily-Who’s-The-Mom (aka Emily-With-The-Baby or Emily-Who’s-In-Fashion) about a trunk show she’d be co-hosting featuring superbly-curated fashions from Rowe boutique in Columbus, OH. Long story short, Emily and I lived in OH at the same time when our husbands both held jobs with the same company out there. Now our husbands both have jobs with a different same company out here and we live a mile apart. And we have the same name. I know, it’s totally Twilight Zone. Anywhaaaaaay, Em used to buy for and manage Rowe, and because she’s uber close friends … Read More
Presideezy in tha Heezy Weekend
I’ve been posting a lot of on the food front lately, so while I take a quick time out to snap some pics of the dishes I’ve got lined up for later this week, I thought I’d instead give you a super quick glimpse at my weekend. It was full of lovely people, lovely meals and lots of recuperative-yet-productive time, which I cherish through and through. (Productive time is recuperative time, to me. It’s kind of sick and pleasing all at once.) We celebrated our dear Emily’s birthday. I ran a lot. Like, more than 10 miles over the course of … Read More
Obsession: Cray for J. Crew + GDL love
Holy Sale, Batman! J. Crew is having a promo where all redline items are an additional 30% off (through Friday, Sept. 7). It’s not like this is the first time J. Crew has had a sale, or even a sale of this nature — but, this is the first time I’ve actually committed to purchasing the boatload of loot I added to my online shopping bag. You see, it started with browsing new button-downs…and falling in love with a shrunken blazer in a cracked-out plaid. And then I saw that the Tippi sweater was part of the sale, too. And … Read More