Oh yay! You guys are still here. Meaning my affinity for hot dogs (and a decidedly Americasian interpretation, at that) didn’t scare you away. I knew you could hang. As your reward, this week we’re talking more Superbowl-ready eats that are borderline goofy (enchilada sauce on toppa hummus? she dun lost her shit!) but silly delicious all the same. You’ll see what I mean when we get into the nitty gritty later on. And really, is it even that weird? It’s clearly not bizarre enough to warrant the gibberish I keep slapping in between all these parentheses (like this crap — which is … Read More
Simple Pumpkin Spice Dip

Did I mention I’ve been hoarding pumpkin like it’s the apocalypse? Or maybe Armageddon? If it is Armageddon, I really hope Chris knows to do the whole animal-cookies-on-the-tummy act before we become fiery stardust. I’d be so smitten. Anyway, I’ve been hoarding pumpkin. Like, I maybe made a small scale model of Hearst Castle out of pumpkin cans in my living room. I might be sitting in said castle right this minute, wondering exactly what I can use to duplicate the gold leaf in the swimming pool. The swimming pool may or may not be a Pyrex baking dish. The Hearsts … Read More
(Almost Vegan) Caramelized Onion White Bean Dip

I had such good intentions for how I was going to spend today. With Chris off traipsing around with one of his two-wheeled concubines, my Saturday was slated to begin with an early morning run (thanks again to that birthday gift we discussed), a jaunt to the market, several late-morning hours of intensive literary study via young adult romance, and an afternoon in the kitchen working on this week’s recipes for you guys. And then something deliciously derailing happened. I slept in. (If you didn’t gather, this is a rare weekend occurrence likened only to something as epic as the … Read More
Minted Spring Pea Paté on Crostini (also, #HeatWave2013)

Today has been kind of ridiculous. To start, it’s almost triple-digits here in the Bay Area. Which means, oh, I dunno, it’s almost intolerably hot. I say almost, of course, because it’s actually quite lovely when you take into account the perfect excuse it makes for a beach day. Think tanning, picnic, young adult novels galore and ice cream. Marianne’s Ice Cream, just to be clear. Studded with toffee-coffee goodness and stacked doubly tall in not one but two crannied waffle cones. (The gang’s all here.) Just try and tell me how wonderful a Saturday that does not make. Go ahead. … Read More
The Best Tomato Salsa You Will Ever Eat, new P&Q schedule and lists galore!

The windows are a’open, new Daft Punk is a’playin’ and I’m a’stuffin’ my face. (Ooh, sounded a little Italiano on that last one.) In sum: it’s turning out to be quite a lovely day. I’m pretty eager to get on to what will become your go-to, year-round salsa (yep, it’s that good), but first: a few exciting announcements. Hooray! (Should we make them look like a list? I think we should. Wait, is that a bad idea because it will push the pretty Facebook and Twitter images I made too far down the page? Is that bad marketing? Probably. Oh screw … Read More