Gonna keep things simple today because we’re off to spend a long weekend with ye’ old granfolksies and homie needs to pack up all the shit that apparently is required for a 13-lb human to function. Oh, ok — to function in style. But it’s a lot of shit, you guys. And that’s not even counting the actual, um, shit. Which is surprisingly unshitty. Wow, really getting you revved up for tacos, aren’t I? Rewind. It’s no secret I love tacos. Or even, specifically, fusion tacos. It’s also no secret I love banh mi. As Joey Tribbiani wold say, put your … Read More
Grilled Melon and Prosciutto Caprese (grain-free) – and a P&Q birthday

Somehow, today marks two years that I’ve been blogging here with all of you (!!), and I’m feeling rather romantic about a number of things. About the blog, yes. And also: every stitch of clothing in the latest Anthro catalogue. This sofa. Chef Sean Brock. Be still my beating heart, this is a crush I won’t be shaking any time soon. I had the chance to dine at the original Husk restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina when my mom and I embarked on our unforgettable Southern Eats birthday road trip this time last year. We arrived for lunch just as the … Read More
Grilled Thai Beef Salad with Sesame-Lime Vinaigrette + a California Olive Ranch Olive Oil Giveaway — #SoLetsPigOut

Remember that time it was 1:30 in the morning and your #SoLetsPigOut Day 3 joint post with Gina was supposed to go live in 6 hours? But then you spent a good 40 minutes googling The Bachelorette spoilers? And eating too many handfuls of Chicago mix popcorn? But really you just picked out all the caramel ones? Hello. Welcome to my now. We should totally be talking about salad. When Gina and I were brainstorming the menu for #SoLetsPigOut, she was stuck in the midst of some Whole 30 BS and I was in the process of shoving circus animal cookies in … Read More
Fizzy Herbed Pineapple Limeade

Herbed Pineapple Limeade: a refreshing, sophisticated and super easy drink, perfect for summer entertaining and parties year-round. Oh haaaay guys, hope you’re all doing dandy. Dunno about you, but it’s #SoLetsPigOut Day 2 over here and I’m feeling stoked. Not only did I LOVE meeting some of the new friends that Gina sent over yesterday, but we’re talking cock/mocktails in today’s post — and more freebies for youbies. Until I managed to muck things up with the word cock back there, they were looking pretty good, wouldn’t you say? In case you missed #SoLetsPigOut Day 1, this week I’ve teamed … Read More
Rice Noodles w/ Coconut-Braised Bison & Peppers (gluten-free, paleo-ish)

Something life-changing happened today. I was sweeping up around the stove when I noticed a tiny square of papery onion skin that was stubbornly clinging to the linoleum. (Oh, I hope you’re ready for a story. Sorry, jumped right in there.) And I mean, it was on there, guys. No amount of mashing the broom bristles into that little bugger was gonna budge it. So I got down on my knees, picked at the edge until it lifted, and then — in a move that was only too satisfying — peeled it cleanly from the floor. (Where is that skill … Read More