I might have said something on Facebook about posting my Saturday post on Sunday. And that might have been a lie. I might have skipped it altogether. I blame jetlag. And cookie chips, because they’re habit-forming and caused me to spend half of Sunday rocking in a corner fiending, which, by the way, does not make for productive blogging. Also: Newsroom. The characters on that show are so damn sharp! I like to tell myself that not everyone follows their quick dialogue like I do. That not everyone appreciates the conversations within conversations. That not everyone feels my deep, personal … Read More
Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Apples, Bacon & Balsamic

Gnocchi is therapy. The mashing. The rolling. The shaping. It’s a quiet, process-oriented little task that requires just enough focus to clear the mind of its remaining clutter. Should I be throwing another load of laundry in the wash? Nope – gnocchi. If I get into work early two days next week, will it make up for a Monday out of the office? Shuttup — gnocchi. Really, does no one find it odd that all this airing of dirty laundry just happens to coincide with Emily Thorne’s arrival in the Hamp—gnocchi. See? It purges the crap, I promise you. And … Read More
Smoky Dukkah Pesto – aka the ultimate umamdiment
Have we talked TV in a while? No? Let’s do. *Flips hair and hunkers down Indian Style* Kay, so do you guys watch Smash? I’m getting caught up. I feel we have a little bit of a Love/Hate relationship, me and Smash. I just can’t tell if I love to hate it or hate that I love it. My point is this: Katherine McPhee is pretty phenomenal. Her voice is bananas. O-R-A-N-G-E-S. And she’s got this yogi bod that she looks so comfortable in. Oh, and JHuds? It’s like Idol minus the shimmery lipgloss and prescription-drugged judges. My only complaint … Read More
Thai Beef Broccoli with Basil & Rice Noodles
Oh, the wok puns I could use here, but I won’t. Consider it an exercise in self-control. Make that great self control. It’s just so tempting. Let’s start over. How much do you love Asian food? I’m seriously all about it, like in a totally high school “no you hang up” kind of way. Maybe it has something to do with my upbringing, where Four Season Crab and Hamburger Helper both held their own on the dining room table. (I still love boxed ground meat kits.) Maybe it has to do with the fact that, more often than not, Asian … Read More