Who’s ready for another post about Ohio! I think I heard about three of you say “Maybe,” so I’ma roll with it. This one will be short.
With the Thanksgiving holiday officially behind us — and having already heard my favorite song of the season not once but thrice, it’s very nearly fair game to declare that Christmas is upon us.
Where the frick did 2012 go?
But as some would say, it’s here, spread the cheer (get used to it?). So in celebration of things, let me be the very first to wish you a Merry Christmas via the darling photo shoot my girlfriend Sarah arranged for us ladies during my Columbus weekend. When we worked together in C-Bus, Sarah did the uhmayzing and quit her full-time 9-5 sales job to pursue her creative passion: photography. Thus became Sarah Gaylor Photography. And she’s been logging a jillion hours and basically just killing it ever since. I’m so impressed with her. Inspired by her. Maybe a little envious. 🙂
I’ll let you check out the Sarah Gaylor Photography website to see her talent in all its glory, but I’m so proud to see how much she’s grown in just a couple of years, and I’m honestly flabbergasted by how she gets it all done. (By the way, that’s her on the left and her mini-me daughter in the middle. And the infamous Amanda on the right, who is going to kill me.)
If you’re in the Columbus area, check out the mini-sessions that Sarah offers every season. (That’s what we were posing for when she snapped these photos. Cute right? And it took literally 5 minutes.) Or just flat-out book her to shoot your wedding, your nana’s bday party, your baby, whatevs. I know. Shooting your baby, but you know what I mean.
And if you’re not in Columbus, just stalk her website anyway. You know it’s fun to look at other people’s wedding photos — it’s just like reading US Weekly ‘cept you can’t hate on all the pretty people because they’re actually real people.
Anyway, blatant friend-plugging aside, I hope I’m not alone when I say that I’m actually pretty stoked to run into Christmas so quickly this year. I’m completely unprepared, as usual, but that’s ok. I’m done with this slow descent into cool weather; I’m ready for those rare torrential downpours, real deal snow in the mountains, ‘shmallows in my cocoa and all that good stuff.
Merry Christmas Season, everyone! It’s officially upon us.
3 Comments on “Season’s greetings from The Pig & Quill!”
I’m going to let this one slide, Stoffel….Happy holidays and xoxox from Ohio!
Thanks dear! You’re too kind. 🙂
Too bad the Fong Girls live so far away from Columbus or we could “rock” some poses using Sarah as our pho-tog! Looking forward to 12/23, 12/29 & today when your Mom & Aunties will pig out at the Cheesecake Factory & do some retail therapy! xoxo k