Note: This post was originally published in March 2013. It has since been updated with new photography and edits to the original recipe. Hey guys! And hey new guys and gals that might have recently joined in on this crazy ol’ stroll through Pig & Quill shenaniganry. It’s amazing how much traffic a little fresh Foodgawker coverage can bring over the course of a couple of days, isn’t it? Pretty phenomenal, if you ask me. I know you didn’t ask me, but when has that ever stopped me? Right. So. Seriously, thanks for stopping by my crumb-y little corner of the innernet, … Read More
Chocolate Banana Muffins (Gluten-Free)

You guys know I’m not a baker. I mean, I can do it. I have done it. But I don’t always have patience for the precision required for true blue baking, and I’m constantly disappointed when I tinker the shit out of a recipe and then it doesn’t work out. It’s a gamble. I should know the odds. (If you can imagine, I’m not a great sport at gambling. I’ll lose $40 on slots and spend the remainder of the weekend sulking about the number of clearance t-shirts and fancy toasts I could have spent it on instead. Woe is … Read More
Rice Cooker “Tamagoyaki” Totoros

A week that begins with pumpkin and ends with Totoro — must be October! Steph is hosting #totoroweek again this year — IMHO, the internet’s most undercelebrated food-party-slash-hashtag-thing — and in classic me style I’m coming in just under the deadline. But these little guys are worth the wait, and I’ma tell you why. They basically cook themselves. Ok, so not in the “one little Totoro stirs the pot while the other climbs in” sense, though that paints an adorably sick picture, but in the “chuck surprisingly few ingredients in a rice cooker and press the little lever thingy” kind … Read More
Orange-Pecan Sticky Buns

We’re down to one nap. Have we talked about this yet? We’re down to one nap. And while it’s a helluva lot easier to schedule our days around a single snooze, it’s a doozy for my personal time. And my email inbox. And the taking of photographs during (diminishing) daylight hours. Oh, and also my sanity. See again: lack of personal time. Remember the days when Lana would snooze on my boob to the tune of a Pretty Little Liars marathon? I’m pretty sure I was still too busy fuh-reaking out about new parent shit at the time to fully appreciate … Read More
Summer Whipped Ricotta Toast Two Ways

I’ve been debating getting into this for a few weeks now, and the last thing I want to do is detract from such a pretty post with an undeniably ugly topic, but you guys. The Bachelorette. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING. I won’t give any radical spoilers because I totally get that in a Hulu World not everyone has seen it, but why she’s not just going full Kaitlyn rogue and humping Luke in a barn somewhere is beyond me. And do we really need to get into it over Robby’s hair? I know it’s completely unfair to just personally attack these … Read More