I think I’m confused. With triple digits in this week’s forecast, it’s not exactly the season for soup, and yet it’s sort of all I can think about these days. It’s so simple. And it makes such stellar use of those CSA veggies that are threatening slime in the crisper drawer. I always have the best intentions. Really, I do. Last night we sat down to piping bowls of this favorite chowder, light on the milk and bulked up with a few handfuls of sweet, leafy spigarello. Before that, it was a fuschia-hued dream of beets whirled with Indian spices … Read More
Garlicky Curried Noodle Soup (gf w/ vegan option)

When I posted this guy on Instagram the other day, I had the forethought to actually add a squidge of sriracha to the egg. And it looked bangarang, you guys. Bang. Uh. Rang. And then I sat down to edit the pics for this post and realized that, amidst all the excitement of pulling out the big ol’ Nikon and strapping it to the tripod and F-stopping like whoa, I never actually took a real-deal pic of the sauce’d egg. What the eff. I blame #yolkporn. Gets me every time. So this soup: sriracha drizzle or not, it’s kinda fine, … Read More
Pumpkin Polenta w/ Browned Butter & Sage (guest posting at SLHO)

Sup purties! Is everyone super jazzed for Humpday? If not, I’m putting the pump in pumpkin with a little guest post over at So…Let’s Hang Out (SLHO) today, and it promises to be a smashing good time. (Pretty sure there was potential for a 90’s rock reference in there somewhere, but whatevs. I know you know I was thinking it, and that’s all that matters, yeah?) So. Do you guys know Gina, yet? If not, I urrrrrge you to check her out — and try not to judge her too harshly for letting my kooky arse crash her pretty little … Read More