Quiet night here at P&Q headquarters. Leftovers. An obscenely large hunk of brie — and the requisite water crackers. And Revenge. I’m late to the party with this one, I realize. It’s also thoroughly possible that I’m addicted. This is what happens when I’m left alone with the remote control and many lifetimes’ worth of streaming television at my fingertips. What’s a girl to do? Just to keep things somewhat productive this evening, perhaps now’s a good time to post the recipe for the little frittata that was easily the star of the show when Cristin dropped by. For once, … Read More
Tofu & Fried Egg Pho with Crispy Onions & Furikake
Not sure if you’ve noticed, but it’s almost April. Can I get a WTF? (Thanks.) Seriously, when did that happen? Where did March go? Or February for that matter? Weren’t we just polishing off Spritz sugar cookies from the holidays a couple of weeks ago? Oh, just me then? They freeze well… As much as I typically love the coming of spring, I’ve got to admit I’m a little sad to part ways with winter this year. First of all, we didn’t really see much of it. A little rain here, some flurries there. We tried our darndest to make … Read More
Coconut-Pecan Brussie Salad with Fried Onions & Fruity Balsamic
(Update: Well, it’s true that I’m currently flying, but now I’m en route back to CA. Posting this a couple days late because I wanted to be sure you guys got a glimpse at Joel’s Oscar popcorn post in time for the big night! Happy Oscars!) Pigs are flying! And not just because you never thought that you’d see the words coconut, pecan and brussie in the same sentence. I mean, maybe you were hoping you’d never see the word brussie again after I posted two BR recipes almost back-to-back a few weeks ago…but that matters none. What matters is that … Read More